So, turns out these past couple months where I haven't been feeling so good is due to newly acquired lactose intolerance... great

Looks like lactose free milk for me. If milk were to be cut out of my life I don't know what I'd do ;-;
I'm back, beaches.
Got no time for anything, trying to keep up with school.
I'll still keep some inactivity.
Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
Can you eat yogurt?

I hate yogurt, but just wondering.

He probably can but would you rather eat pizza or yogurt I ya think we lol know you will say
Muller yogurt though...the best.

Guys, lets play the would you rather game! Whoever posts underneath me must answer my "would you rather" question.

Would you rather, have a girlfriend/boyfriend who was a total dick and hardly ever cared about you but looked hot and was the best looking person in the school and you would get fame and glory. Or have a girlfriend/boyfriend who was intelligent, nice, womanly/gentlemanly, smart but the ugliest person in school and you would get bullied for dating them.

This question popped into my head because in my school some girls be like "Why are all boys the same." When they won't bother to date nice but not as attractive boy. They just go for the "hot" boys, as they would call them. But most of them are dicks.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Muller yogurt though...the best.

Guys, lets play the would you rather game! Whoever posts underneath me must answer my "would you rather" question.

Would you rather, have a girlfriend/boyfriend who was a total dick and hardly ever cared about you but looked hot and was the best looking person in the school and you would get fame and glory. Or have a girlfriend/boyfriend who was intelligent, nice, womanly/gentlemanly, smart but the ugliest person in school and you would get bullied for dating them.

This question popped into my head because in my school some girls be like "Why are all boys the same." When they won't bother to date nice but not as attractive boy. They just go for the "hot" boys, as they would call them. But most of them are dicks.

I would pick whichever one liked anime more TBH XD
|Essence staff manager|
Good choice Okami.

Okami, I was thinking to myself that if I ever make a game it shall be called Okami, just because Okami sounds badass.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Good choice Okami.

Okami, I was thinking to myself that if I ever make a game it shall be called Okami, just because Okami sounds badass.

o: a game named after me? I feel important :3
|Essence staff manager|