Yeah, thats a problem with most clans is inactivity, but for us we have some decent post's and activity.

Also Just sold my 512 head item gg

Channel - ok
Me, arakata and raywill warred [Elite]
We won 10-5 YEAAAH
I won 4 matches, raywill 2 and arakata 4
We did it omg!
we brought the honor for MAU weeew

Sexy Body

Off Topic: Like my new set guy's? Its amazing isn't? Just need like 4 or 5 more joints to complete it

Sexy Body

Sexy Body

Sexy Body

Sexy Body

Last edited by yoshiman60; Dec 21, 2015 at 01:49 AM.

Channel - ok
Ok....nice um well guys thanks for the opinion I see everyone agreed with onsola xD now that i've read it ya i agree but i still love the effort, ya know? I mean it's just my opinion and opinions are not wrong.

Also we warred Elite too I don't remember the score but thanks Onsola and the clan for considering doing the wars. I think it's going to help in our progression for becoming official. Anyway Onsola have you considered my idea. I think people only read one part of my post which was the opinion. (Or didn't read at all) I need your opinion Onsola if you don't mind. I mean if you have any time.

Also Arakata thanks for that long post and thanks for making it a spoiler. Wetch please consider adding more effort It's pretty cool how you guys won against elite but maybe suggest doing a new topic or at least going along with the topic that was pre-said.

Out Of Topic: Why do you guys think people stop using hitsounds? They haven't gone out of market or shop....I don't know...they're offly cheap what do you guys think. Yoshi....really 2 word spam...come on .-. You didn't even consider adding your opinion on the new topic...shame...

New Topic: What do you guys like to play. Like not just steam games but games in general. There's a variety of games but I mostly like COD, Brawlhalla, Toribash etc. I mean it's a pretty wide range.

Also guys could you please contact your steam or skype to me? I would like to play with you guys more frequently. I have xioi onsola and seba on skype but not their steam. So could you and the other clanmates PM me your steam/skype. Or if you have any other social media.

One last thing, if you guys didn't find the new topic interesting or if you need more details consider this. What do you guys like music wise. Like what genre of music do you guys enjoy? If you don't listen to music or want to add on what do you guys like to watch on youtube. I enjoy for music dubstep or popular songs on the radio. On youtube my opinion varies...

(I think this post was longer then my application..)
Last edited by Jade; Dec 21, 2015 at 01:47 AM.
Topic: Well for me I would usually play Garrysmod, Brawlhalla, or some other games, Or I would just waste my money on steam and Toribash buying a bunch of shit I don't even need.

Topic 2: Music? Well I enjoy series of music like Screamo, Dubstep, and EDM. Whenever I would listen to music that sounds "Good" In my opinion I would get so inspired and would probably do something Like trick in Toribash or go out Skating reking these scr00bs.

Sammy: Hit-sounds in general are Retarded, People sometimes would have Hit-sounds that would give me a freaking seizure.
No one wants to give people seizure unless you're an ass, Unlike you I legit just heard your Hit-Sound It gave me Autism Help. :^)

New Topic: So Guys can any of you code? If so what language, I can code in a Variety of languages like C++, Html, JQuery, CSS, and Python. Currently Im focusing on Python making Command Line Games and Stuff Like that. My Friend Noah Just learned how to make 3D Objects using 2D Planes. As for me Im still learning the Mathematics of this weird stuff.
Last edited by yoshiman60; Dec 21, 2015 at 02:04 AM.

Channel - ok

Cat's post quote.

So, first of all, I was going to edit my post with new topic, but since you posted i will post new one.
1) Thanks, I'm very proud to be in mau, a clan that tries it's best to achieve what it wants, I've got this one too, so maybe guys we all same in something.

2) As i said i was going to edit but you posted, i was uploading something, you will see it down there.

3) Most of sounds disturbs you ingame except if it was song, I remember i bought kiai it disturbs people so i sold it, and I bought ''music'' it bugged toribash with annoying sound, even if you sold/deactivated it, it actually changes the relaxing music of toribash.

4) Well I don't like to have too many games, but before toribash I played :
Gta san andreas / samp ( Gta san andreas multiplayer) / Claw
and some random games.

5) I don't have steam/skype duhhh ;C

6) I like to listen to Music, I don't listen to specific kinds, but I like relaxing music and DJ playing musics.

So yeah.
I've a topic too:-
What do you think (If we became official) we will do with our FORUM PAGE?
I suggest make it arts-Chat-Games chat-Music chat-war chats-shit posts. etc.

And as we approaching closer for official, I noticed (Maybe) some mistakes maybe people saw it but, noopee we aint saying that.


Yoshi's post Quote.

Hey , 1) Don't spam
2) what joints?
3) you mean those body textures o_O?
Pls make a hate club and join it pls and also join my fan club.
Last edited by Wetch; Dec 21, 2015 at 02:18 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by yoshiman60 View Post
Off Topic: Like my new set guy's? Its amazing isn't? Just need like 4 or 5 more joints to complete it

Originally Posted by Wetch View Post
1) Don't spam
2) what joints?
3) you mean those body textures o_O?
Pls make a hate club and join it pls and also join my fan club.

Hey Friend I said "Just need like 4 or 5 more joints to complete it :^)"

Last edited by yoshiman60; Dec 21, 2015 at 02:32 AM.

Channel - ok
Originally Posted by yoshiman60 View Post

Sexy Body

There's one word for this


Cata's post

About hitsounds for me are very annoying, why should hampa add them, I only like the Kiai sound.

About skype I have you but not in Steam, please send it to me on skype hehe

About the music gen you like, I like Trap and Hip Hop for now, I've had like generations of "the music I like", for example in 2012 I'd to love Dubstep, next in 2013 Electronic and in 2014 I'm not sure but I think Electronic too.
Then I found Trap and Hip Hop.
Running away...
announcement: boogie has my permision to post here so yeah saying so now he is able to post. He had two infractions but I removed one since he didnt know the rules.

I Will reply to your posts later guys now I can't
I'm fine

Sola said I can post know soo yep that's coming from the clan leader
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|