Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Uhh ed it's easy just be like its k guys we got.this but dat ap carry is fucking our shit, better build some mr and if not then wait until the end and be like these monkeys are fucking retarded dat kassadin got thousands of kills because x was too stupid to build mr
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
holy hell, I'm not losing every ranked game I play due to my mistakes/retards.

I'm only 1115 elo but I'M NOT LOSING!!1! But seriously, you have any tips in how to make your teammates listen to you? Like, I ask someone to get MR because they're getting raped by so and so and they just go with the "I'm fed, so I will get faceroll items" build.

You will never find a player who will listen to you. Don't waste your time trying to tell them to do something. Your only hope is that they'll clonk their head on their keyboard hard enough when they get raped for the thousandth time that they kill off the retarded brain cells and are forced to use logic.

In the meantime, play hyper carries and farm all day. Then rape every team fight ever.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You will never find a player who will listen to you. Don't waste your time trying to tell them to do something. Your only hope is that they'll clonk their head on their keyboard hard enough when they get raped for the thousandth time that they kill off the retarded brain cells and are forced to use logic.

In the meantime, play hyper carries and farm all day. Then rape every team fight ever.

Hyper carries don't REALLY exist in LoL. Apart from something like pre-nerf jax, maybe tryndamere if the enemy can't coordinate, or late game vayne or something. LoL isn't DoTa where you just defend your carry until late game, when they can rape 1v5. It's a good and a bad thing really.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
I officialy Love Ashe! xD

Good job, you managed to beat bots.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
I officialy Love Ashe! xD

Get a quicksilver sash if you need magic resistance on ad carries, don't get a force of nature. It's magic resist + a free cleanse, much better if you get caught.
Also, on Ashe go infinity edge -> phantom dancer -> (quicksilver sash if required at any point after this) last whisper if they have armour by then, if not a blood thirster -> whichever one you didn't get. You can get 1-2ish dorans blades and a vamp scepter as required in lane.
EDIT: also zerker greaves etc. sometime.
EDITEDIT: also flash heal/flash exhaust are better combinations on carries, give's you a bit better 1v1, especially since ashe isn't exactly the best 1v1.
Last edited by fat0ninja; Mar 22, 2012 at 10:20 AM.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
holy hell, I'm not losing every ranked game I play due to my mistakes/retards.

I'm only 1115 elo but I'M NOT LOSING!!1! But seriously, you have any tips in how to make your teammates listen to you? Like, I ask someone to get MR because they're getting raped by so and so and they just go with the "I'm fed, so I will get faceroll items" build.

You have to be really nice and positive in solo q. They're like children. Stop fights between other teammates too.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You will never find a player who will listen to you. Don't waste your time trying to tell them to do something. Your only hope is that they'll clonk their head on their keyboard hard enough when they get raped for the thousandth time that they kill off the retarded brain cells and are forced to use logic.

In the meantime, play hyper carries and farm all day. Then rape every team fight ever.

And that. Vayne works well for bottom, and pretty much any AP mid or top as well.
Last edited by Numbers; Mar 22, 2012 at 11:02 AM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Rumble is amazing ._. dat tankiness and flamethrower. He shits on Vayne lategame.

Oh my fucking god. Retards like to frequent my team jesus tap dancing christ, Holy shit. I was going 9/2/0 as mf solotop against Lulu and Ziggs. And I was getting zoned like crazy so I couldn't even get cs during laning phase. Next thing I know enemy Akali is 19/6 enemy Vayne is 15/4, i'm 9/5/5 and the rest of my team have 12 deaths each. God fucking damnit. I hate this game. I don't even play AD carries. I just don't understand how people can be so bad at this game. Fuck.
Last edited by Hippybob; Mar 22, 2012 at 02:53 PM.