I shall remember this fight for the rest of my life, i can feel myself more powerfull just for watching it, i feel like i can blow stuff with my mind now, it has changed my life.
... psh Ima Pull a PV2 and double post...

This song descibes me so well.. hell the all american rejects songs like move along and dirty little secret. And some of the plain white tee's songs.
i only started postin in january sooo
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Go fawk yourself T.T


[00:21] <Orion> hey mac 
[00:21] <Orion> lets spar 
[00:21] <Orion> for old times sake 
[00:22] <Mac|blank> I can't. and i am going to bed 
[00:22] <Mac|blank> later  
[00:22] <Mac|blank> :[ 
[00:22] <Orion> :(( 
[00:22] <Orion> goodnight 
[00:22] <Orion> i gues i'l go spar all by myself
Last edited by Orion; May 22, 2011 at 06:02 PM.
MAC STOP STEALING MY EMOTIONS DAMN IT.... I was lurking for 3 days now... I own lurking. And for Orion.
