I'm gonna go on forums these days. In-game isn't much fun after these afk months. I'm now gonna go drink tea. Tea is the best thing to refresh my mind when im in a bad mood.
Exam results is in and this the first time over last few years I got A on other subject beside English, so this is how it feels being a genius, lol.

How are you guys?
I just had an operation. It was occurring mid day and I couldn't eat anything before it. So after it I went to sleep hoping to wake up in the morning but my mom woke me up and now I'm just sitting at the pc really hungry and in pain. Pretty much I can't feel my right cheek, part of my lip and a part of my tongue. So eating is nearly impossible.

Gonna try to play some games.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Did something bad happen?
Not much to do at forum either, I just check this place regularly expecting a new post. :3

Bad things. My bro broke his leg. He's the best cousin everyone could wish for.

That's the first one. Second one: I flunked my tests. got only 400 out of 576. it's not like failing but in our school, getting only 400 is for the lower class poor brain ppl.

Third One: My father's been away from home for a week and had to sleep at the factory. And he's not a worker, he's the owner. He got to stay there because there are probelms with teh machines and the power lines are going off and come back on again which greatly affects the work. I miss him
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
I just had an operation. It was occurring mid day and I couldn't eat anything before it. So after it I went to sleep hoping to wake up in the morning but my mom woke me up and now I'm just sitting at the pc really hungry and in pain. Pretty much I can't feel my right cheek, part of my lip and a part of my tongue. So eating is nearly impossible.

Gonna try to play some games.

Freaky. What is that disease. Even i can't feel my cheek, lip and tongue after reading this....
Oh, i nearly forgot to tell you guys. I got this best friend of mine to play Toribash for the first time.Username is Railgun123. He got hooked with this. Now he's in this nearly dead clan called Ink Nation. He's depressed with the clan, and wanting to leave. He's more active than i do, he joined here at 9-October. He's got over 15 posts, unlike me who started off with no posts for the first 8 months.

Can we get him on board? Or if he can't be in, can he still be a single ally?
Last edited by Oscar1412; Oct 16, 2013 at 04:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I once told details about my operation. I had anesthesia that's why I couldn't feel half of my face. Pretty much I had to get my wisdom tooth pulled out and 2 regular teeth. Like a month ago my right side got operated.

Got to say this is one of the shitiest days of my life. I'm having a hard time eating stuff and my cheek looks so big. Like somebody would have punched me in the left cheek several times. At least I have pc. Going to install Max Payne 3 today.
I had enough with Max Payne 3 after the power outage accident, lol.
Hope you feel better soon though, Uby.

Originally Posted by Oscar1412 View Post
Bad things. My bro broke his leg. He's the best cousin everyone could wish for.

That's the first one. Second one: I flunked my tests. got only 400 out of 576. it's not like failing but in our school, getting only 400 is for the lower class poor brain ppl.

Third One: My father's been away from home for a week and had to sleep at the factory. And he's not a worker, he's the owner. He got to stay there because there are probelms with teh machines and the power lines are going off and come back on again which greatly affects the work. I miss him

Freaky. What is that disease. Even i can't feel my cheek, lip and tongue after reading this....
Oh, i nearly forgot to tell you guys. I got this best friend of mine to play Toribash for the first time.Username is Railgun123. He got hooked with this. Now he's in this nearly dead clan called Ink Nation. He's depressed with the clan, and wanting to leave. He's more active than i do, he joined here at 9-October. He's got over 15 posts, unlike me who started off with no posts for the first 8 months.

Can we get him on board? Or if he can't be in, can he still be a single ally?

My pops is always away on business trips, only go home if his project is in the city or holiday, I miss him too sometimes.

Ask him to post an application and we will see.
It's kinda impossible for him to apply here. He's gonna get rejected in a second.

You see, ahem... The rules show this thing that he is not qualified enough-
Rule No. 1: You must be a black belt.
Railgun's status: Green belt

And he will be forum active, but his post counts are too low. Around 15 posts. Now i'm the lowest here, with over 100 posts only. I think he can apply well as he's good in essays, letters and English is his best subject, Always A+.

And of course, he has only one good replay that is his favourite. He takes pride over it.

It's a replay when an alternate guy fought him. The other players in the room were giving him advices like "Extend glutes so u will avoid dq" and stuff like that. Then, he won with those advices. And he said he dodged dq-ing twice in a round.

It's mostly impossible for him, but if he has the permission from you guys,(like- apply even if youre a green belt and promise u will be forum active) He will apply.
Boy, only Uberis, Sicks and me are the only ones left active?

Cos the last page is filled with us three's posts only
Random question: Does Piratez still have a clan item shop?
Last edited by Oscar1412; Oct 17, 2013 at 04:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm active too :/
I say we let him be a clan ally and let him hang around with us. Once we get to know him a little, he maybe or may not be accepted