Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Umm hey guys, can I hang out with (MAU)? Im a close friend of Matrx, I just wanna hangout with the clan of my friend. Can I? but I respect if I cant.

Sure, Bro. Good to have outer clan friends tho, Select a server, and I'm coming.
Also HEY guys I just woke up.
What were you up to?
AND WHY NO one fixing that freaking story [/centre]?? pls
Originally Posted by Wetch View Post
Sure, Bro. Good to have outer clan friends tho, Select a server, and I'm coming.
Also HEY guys I just woke up.
What were you up to?
AND WHY NO one fixing that freaking story [/centre]?? pls

Thanks for telling it Wetch, now I'm changing it.
Also I'm up for no reason, maybe get in forums or play LoL, or maybe do a replay.
Running away...
Originally Posted by maruto600 View Post
I wasn't on the clan vid D: longer and meaningful posts....I have literally said this so many times i am about ready to stab myself. Guys come on!!! Do I need to repost this same topic every single time! I'm sick and tired of it! I'm 12 and you guys are like 18 and still you can't post more then 10 words?!?! What is the reason you post only 7 words. I'm mostly talking to boogie and you but seriously...It gets on my nerve and i'm sick and tired of it like i said....Post....longer.....posts.....
Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post longer and meaningful posts....I have literally said this so many times i am about ready to stab myself. Guys come on!!! Do I need to repost this same topic every single time! I'm sick and tired of it! I'm 12 and you guys are like 18 and still you can't post more then 10 words?!?! What is the reason you post only 7 words. I'm mostly talking to boogie and you but seriously...It gets on my nerve and i'm sick and tired of it like i said....Post....longer.....posts.....

Then Post a topic, not posting the same thing again and again.... Get a topic so we can all talk about it. It's like spamming. I appreciate that you Try your best, but it's not the right way to say it again and again. Just post a topic.
Tell me your opinion about this:-
Which one better?
Originally Posted by Wetch View Post
Then Post a topic, not posting the same thing again and again.... Get a topic so we can all talk about it. It's like spamming. I appreciate that you Try your best, but it's not the right way to say it again and again. Just post a topic.
Tell me your opinion about this:-
Which one better?

You don't read other posts do you....I started 2 new topics and still I got only 2 responses....So what i'm trying to do is make sure everyone has good posts and then I start making more topics we can all share because It will look nicer. Also wetch the first one was ok but please post a art thread so everyone can look at it that way because in our clan thread we don't CnC or judge art. I've learned that the hard way.

Anyway yoshi welcome to the clan feel free to post now I don't think you'll have a trial but Onsola's in charge of that.

Fine i'll do it again....New Topic: What is your guys's favorite childhood memory and further explain it.
Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post
You don't read other posts do you....I started 2 new topics and still I got only 2 responses....So what i'm trying to do is make sure everyone has good posts and then I start making more topics we can all share because It will look nicer. Also wetch the first one was ok but please post a art thread so everyone can look at it that way because in our clan thread we don't CnC or judge art. I've learned that the hard way.

Anyway yoshi welcome to the clan feel free to post now I don't think you'll have a trial but Onsola's in charge of that.

Fine i'll do it again....New Topic: What is your guys's favorite childhood memory and further explain it.

On Topic:
My favourite childhood what do you mean? When I was 5-12 or you mean younger?
if you mean younger, when I was 4 I was sitting in my grandma's Kitchen, she was making fried Potatoes Or french fries or what ever you call them .they tasted so good so When she made some I ate 1/4 of each group she made, lol didn't even notice.
When I was 9 I was playing on my PC then I draw a penis even without meaning, SO my dad entered and what happened is...
Son, Just delete this pic. Now I laugh hard from my heart ahahah.
Out of topic:
No body read the pages before the last one usually.
The good topics will not come at once, you should be more patient.
It's like when the drug doctor want to stop the drugs from someone, he don't prevent it at once or he will die, He give him little after little.
Like really, a lot of the time i completely forget about Tb existing.

Don't really know why, but i guess i lost my spark for the game and it's Community idk really.
Don't know if i'll be here any longer, for now i guess i'm here once in every while.
But it's become to my notice that my activity within the forum/game has radicaly dropped, and does so between every time i jump on.

Idk really, might be safe to say i might be quiting replaymaking or whatever, wich might lead to me going of the forums aswell.

My favourite childhood moment?
Easy, the christmas i got a NES with Mario64, Best christmas ever, spent 2 entire Days without sleeping on it untill my mum forced me to bed.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Maru your posts should be better.

guys dont have stupid fights. It is well known that most ppl dont check previous pages and that they wont even if u ask them to. If you have a few replys to yuour topic its fine, not everyone will like that topic.
As long as you do good posts it doesnt really matter, try talkin in topic tho or introduce new ones.

Well thats a pitty xioi, but I guess after 3 years almost 4 of this game you are getting tired of it. idk for some time I thought I should quit it as well but then I realised I like playing it and I have a nice clan running. Maybe with some time off toribash you would be back with enthusiasm to keep playing, who knows.

favorite childhood memory? I guess when I bought my ps 2 and played Star Wars battlefront 2, It was my communion so I was gifted some money and I went with a couple of friend and my cousin to buy it. I was so happy I had always wanted one.
An other would be when I played Shadow of The Colossus, at first I didnt unsertand much but then my cousing showed me how to climb and from then on it has been one of my favourite games and I have pplayed throw it lots of time
Man, it's longer than that lol,

I started out in 09, i only joined the comunity/forum at 2012.

So that's almost 7 years now,

Ah well, i've taken brakes Before, Always came back, but it feels kinda diferent now, idk
Wee'l see i guess.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.