So we're ready for app for official yet or no?
I think we got the clan vid ready, the money, I don't know about our activity is it good? I think it's
If we aint ready, Why
Wetch, we can explain.

We actually having a lot of shitposts and a lot of work, as we want to stop the shitposting, maybe in page 600 we will be official already, maybe.
Running away...
Superseba has a point, Now i have been inactive the past week due to finals and school crap. but we have lots of short posts. Not every single post has to be on topic but its nice to have over half in the discussion. Page 600 does seem like a good amount of time to cut of the random short posts.
I think we're not ready yet for applying.
If we would apply now there's small chance
of getting accepted. We must prepare for this,
because no one wants to waste tc, right?

NEW TOPIC : What are your New Year plans?

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post
I think we're not ready yet for applying.
If we would apply now there's small chance
of getting accepted. We must prepare for this,
because no one wants to waste tc, right?

NEW TOPIC : What are your New Year plans?

Swimming in ladies, licking old ladies and smoke weed, wooooooooo
Good life aint it?
Well seriously this year I'm planning to travel but don't know where to yet..
Maybe UK and then Getting a good collection of Leo messi's shoes or at least a collection of socks :l and planning to go to study more about the history of egypt and UK yeah...
And also swimming in ladies.
Well we dont have enough tc to go around wastying 25k every 3 months :/
If we couls stop the short useless posts and tun them into good long posts then we would certainly have chances to become official. Lets put that as a target.
When we reach the page 600 there shouldnt be any more short, useless posts. I we get that before the page 600 I will apply to be official, if not I will keep waiting so as to not waste the tcs we have in the back
(currently 62k)

What I am planning to do? well my grandmother is comin as well as a couple friends of my mother, we are having dinner all toghether. There will be plenty of food, we are going to be like 10 ppl more or less (too lazy to do the maths)

Also guys my internet will keep being shit till next month when we change the company
Ok have a good time ones. I will also be going to colorado tomorrow to snowboard so i won't have service D:. I was looking it up and realized there was none, but it will only by 5 or so days. I ill post evrytime i get any service. Cya until then.
Hey guys sorry for not being active I was helping my friend in the application thread. Go check it out and watch the replays he's pretty awesome.

I plan for New Years to probably hang out with my friends and......sadly not much.....but hmm

New Topic: What are your guys's past clans and why did you quit. (KnC because it was dead and had bad players. Ascend because it was dead...)
Alright Ori, have fun we will wait for ya

Past clans? Well I have been in 2 before MAU:

The first was called The Forsaken Ones, it was really ianctive but since I didnt use the forums I didnt realise. Till the day I discovered them and started using them, soon I became co-leader but I end up leaving the clan since it was too inactive and there was no hope. it died after I left.

The second one was called TRILL it lasted only 1 day :/ The day I joined Fain came and closed its thread and all the leaders left. Therefore I left as well.

After that I joined MAU which seemed as a clan with potential, soon I was rising in ranks till I got to be the leader of it, funny hu? so yeah now I run this as it was mine, how I promised to the ex-leader. I started at the bottom and now I am here, leading this clan towards becoming official (if you ask how I started rising between the ranks its simple; being useful to the clan, helping whenever I could and being entusiastic, eki did something similar and he was a co-leader before he left and joined Aether)

Damn look how I MISspelled wasting in my previous post lol
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 19, 2015 at 02:59 AM.