Teacher don't want me to school when I'm sick. They called my dad pick me up to home.

In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Shiro View Post
I'm gonna post here now if that's okay, it's weird having nowhere to talk.

also hi.

hi new chick what's up
Guys, guess what, after so long, I was able to afford an iPad mini! I even did homework on it.

Hi Shiro, sup.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Sup cunts. What have i missed.

'Twas my 21st birthday 26th of august and im working full time now from 3 till 12 so takes up most of my time.
Wait, what
Tuna's still here you dingus.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.