nice solid filled with info app,but with u too ur posts are poor

numpter did u meet someone there called miceala?
she went for art in vancouver
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
What do you mean?
Should i post you know useless stuf that people post on facebook..
You see i use my time practicing the game.. And not writing stuff on forums
Originally Posted by Jagron View Post
Should i post you know useless stuf that people post on facebook..
You see i use my time practicing the game.. And not writing stuff on forums

That's not the attitude you'd want when applying to us. Still Denied.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Hey guys, im a respectful player in toribash. Which i don't find very often. Im a third dan black belt. I remember about a year ago i got an invite to this clan when it wasn't very big but i was such a noob i had no idea how to accept or any thing like that. My favorite mod is any kind of aikido. Btw i use steam to play toribash. You can contact me there at ransacker1337 if needed. I try to play at least once a day but i play sports and im in high school so im usually kinda busy. I do not have a skype. sorry about that. I can play in any wars you want me to i will not complain. I do not post regularly in forums. My toribash experience consists of mostly judo-frac with my yearly months. I now play aikido mushu, i try to play parkour but im not very good lol. Well i guess that's it for my APP i hope it was long and juicy enough for you guys. I hope to talk to you all later cya.
Respectful player is totibash with 2 posts ?
I dont think so ...
What are you lookin at ?

Now Carry On Doing Whatever It Was You Were Doing And Kindly LEAVE The Thread, If You May.

*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
wall of text inbound
hello wapow my name is tochukwu (in real life) and i can help wapow in many ways tc wise item wise recruting wise just as long as its not art i can do it for you if you evn if you need a fucking dog i will do it for you. plus i can do many mods the only mods im not good at are wushu and erth tk although if i need to learn them will. in short im decent at any mod i need to do witch should be helpful in wars in cause you need me to do a weird mode i can do it. furthermore for how long i play im online every day litterly even single day im playing for about the whole day so when you login and search for me i will me online. (and yes im kinda addicted just a little.) also if i had to say my favorite mod it would be aikidobigdojo.tbm it is the only mod i really play iand i think that is the mod i play the most unless my toribash glithes and i cant join a certain server for some reason :/ althogh i mostly play in privte server unless there is a server that is not croweded with a lot of people. to countinue my application (im totally creative with my transitions XD) if you send a pm or send anything to me in furoms i will check it evey morning im always on furoms 24/7 starting at when i wake up so if anything happens there ill know although my post count is is really low i do check post on furoms and post anywhere to be honest it just low cuse i dont post unless i have to or unless i need i also somtimes dont have much to say cuse there isnt much i can say to post that are like a year old XD or to post that dont mean much :/ but if its a pm i will always reply. as for my toribash experiace when i was a noob all i ever plyed was judo (like all noobs do) but i was really good at it (or it was luck etheir one is true) i was able to beat god belts but ill stop talking about that cuse that was the past and you probly dont care about skill. but while is was a noob i tried other mods and learned form people and peple tought me some moves like how to snap kick and thats when i started getting better at toribash and then i started doing mods like aikido nad mushu etc. thats how i started adapting to other mods (except wushu and erth tk) so once i got better i started trying my moves against better players like poeple way hight belt even now when im a 3rd dan i trian with higher level poeple like custom belts and god belts etc. so that is my toribash experiacne for you like it? i hope you do. as for my skype it is favor.godswill btw it says im 35 yeah... thats a lie. as for me i consider my self a pretty good person i try to be friends with everone i meet although somtimes they hate me on sight for no reason when i dont even know the person :/ i dont rage much i would only rage if somthing like when im about to win a 1 mill. toruney and then i lose to the guy hacking or a maxcontacts glith othwise i wont rage im not that kinda of guy also for my life my hoobies dont really have them although if i needed one it your be palying vidoe games as for now for the sports i play they would be soccer and basketball im a beast at soccer but im still learning basketball from my cousins so if you see me in real life PLEASE DONT CHALLENGE ME TO A BASKETBALL MATCH the result would be my ankles broken and me lying on the floor crying. that is my application enjoy and i hope i get in the clan
p.s if it says im sill in a clan im not it is probly a glitch and im pretty sure it should let me still join a clan.
~ regards tochukwu