Name: Mattboylol (call me matt)
Belt:2nd dan
Age: 14
I want to Join [C3] because all the members seem hilarious, you all have good senses of humor (except matheus) and you are very active. my last clan (Jungle) pretty much was never online and was accepting almost anyone who applied.I am online almost evryday and I am very loyal. im talented in-game and can teach anyone who needs it.Im starting to make art so i could start making some clan banners and sets for the clan.thank you guys for reading.
Originally Posted by mattboylol View Post
Name: Mattboylol (call me matt)
Belt:2nd dan
Age: 14
I want to Join [C3] because all the members seem hilarious, you all have good senses of humor (except matheus) and you are very active. my last clan (Jungle) pretty much was never online and was accepting almost anyone who applied.I am online almost evryday and I am very loyal. im talented in-game and can teach anyone who needs it.Im starting to make art so i could start making some clan banners and sets for the clan.thank you guys for reading.

Fucking leaders sycophant
------------------------------------ NO TO YOU, WHY? --------------------------------------
1 - You avatar is very newbe.
2 - You name is much more newbe.
3 - You grammar sucks.
4 - I hate sycophant.
5 - If you is a skilled player, where's your replay?
6 - When you learn how make a good APP, post here.
Originally Posted by Matheus View Post
1 - You avatar is very newbe.

What? Why his avatar is very newbe? It's a cat in fight place looks toribash game. That's not newbe.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by mattboylol View Post
Name: Mattboylol (call me matt)
Belt:2nd dan
Age: 14
I want to Join [C3] because all the members seem hilarious, you all have good senses of humor (except matheus) and you are very active. my last clan (Jungle) pretty much was never online and was accepting almost anyone who applied.I am online almost evryday and I am very loyal. im talented in-game and can teach anyone who needs it.Im starting to make art so i could start making some clan banners and sets for the clan.thank you guys for reading.

Let me clarify that the reason that you wish to join the clan is invalid, to me. Wanting to join a clan because the members "seem hilarious" is similar to saying "I want this jet because it's cool." Bad reason for you to join, and I'm not a fan of people who continuously use this excuse to try and get into C3.

Repetitive. You already stated that we seem hilarious, and you JUST INSULTED one of our members. Though I agree with the statement in a way, you are not a member of C3 as of the moment (and you probably will not be in the future, if you expect that you will be accepted with an application of that quality). Do you even know our members yet? If not, you have no right to insult any of C3's members. Doing that will decrease your chance of being accepted.

You are loyal? Explain to me why you didn't try to help Jungle get back on it's feet. C3 was hit detrimentally with inactivity when the forum was hacked, but we're back on a decent track. You simply left Jungle.

First, if you can teach anyone who needs it, you should have applied to become a teacher. That way, you basically have credentials to show that you're skilled, and that you DO teach people who need help. WE will determine (if we decide to) whether you are talented in-game or not. You also should have posted a couple of replays to show your fighting style.

We have artists in C3, as well. We're just a bit too lazy to make some clan-banners and sets for the clan. If I had more time, or I was less lazy, I could simply open up photoshop and make one for our clan.

Your grammar is horrible. Your application is short. Your user-name shows immaturity (at some level), and the purpose for joining is weak. Once again, my vote is a...

Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
I bet you he's better than me ingame :v
But forsrs, I saw him ingame a couple of times. doesn't seem to be the kind of person that'd be in C3. You HAVE to look at the other applications before you make your own. Obviously re-wording what other people say won't get you into C3.

Last edited by TyZi; Jan 23, 2011 at 09:14 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by mattboylol View Post
(except matheus)

Get out.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else