We might start new chapters soon.
But how?

Ideally, this org's more useful if there's intervention from msquad.
i mean, they're market guardian and doing any market related thing.
we, as ordinary member of this fine community , cant deny that their existence is mere to take care of toribash market-related and admit that in fact with their power they can rule over market section.
maybe if we lend some of theirs power, we can implement our long-burried ideas which cannot be done by ordinary members.
well, in other words, market organizations without those who able to control of market itself is nothing but void.
or rather we dont need those power, but merely make this place as discussion and our markeeter hangout.
but see, everyone didnt give a fuck and abandon this place.
Last edited by Kyle; Nov 26, 2016 at 01:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
well, in other words, market organizations without those who able to control of market itself is nothing but void.

How to control market?
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Sounds not bad idea.
I'm planning to use our bank's budget and make some mini event for all of us in the edge of this year, but i am still unsure with my own idea.
So, if you have some, spit it out here and we'll discuss about it.
Hey Delayer, glad to see you here

Btw kyle, if you need any MS cooperation with an event, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.


Thx for your cooperation.
Really looking forward for it.
Either way, is there any way we can discuss each others about the events with MS?
Or maybe you can be the mediator between us?