Originally Posted by TheJesterMan View Post
Belt: Brown
Comp Mods: Judo, Aikido, Joustingfixed, Mushu & Wushu
Alts: I have no alts
Prev clans: None

I may only be a brown belt, but remember: Belt dosen't matter. I'm surprisngly good for a Brown

Real Name: Emily
Age: 18
Something cool: Uhhh.. one thing... my handwriting..? ;_;
Don't know how to show a replay or my player card >_>
Skype: james.cookie2
(my brother named it...)
Country: Great Britain

Not freeform at all, look at other apps and make your own one. No until you change it
I'm a brown belt and relatively skilled in every mod, and I have no other accounts. No previous clans, just today I decided I wanted to be with a clan and this one looked like a relaxed clan I wanted to play Toribash with until I quit the game. Sometimes people refer to me as "Jesus" "Jehova" "God" etc. So yeah think about inviting me, my skype is turtle.taco .

(Do I really need a fancy application plz)
Last edited by DrBankrupt; Jun 15, 2015 at 07:28 AM.
HAHA. you joking right??. Hell No.
ecept if you make a PROPER,DETAIL,FREEFORM,APP

But I'll Never Vote YES For You.
Theres a text above this text.
Last edited by Mattkit5; Jun 15, 2015 at 09:19 AM.
Originally Posted by DrBankrupt View Post
I'm a brown belt and relatively skilled in every mod, and I have no other accounts. No previous clans, just today I decided I wanted to be with a clan and this one looked like a relaxed clan I wanted to play Toribash with until I quit the game. Sometimes people refer to me as "Jesus" "Jehova" "God" etc. So yeah think about inviting me, my skype is turtle.taco .

(Do I really need a fancy application plz)

Sorry, as you might now, we are applying for official, so we need active members both ingame and in forum. That app, besides being so short, wouldn't be considered freeform, and we actually have a minimum belt to enter, which is brown (Sparky we should change that >_____>) So we can't accept you right now, try again when you are higher belt and forum active. Best wishes from Vibe.
Originally Posted by DrBankrupt View Post
I'm a brown belt and relatively skilled in every mod, and I have no other accounts. No previous clans, just today I decided I wanted to be with a clan and this one looked like a relaxed clan I wanted to play Toribash with until I quit the game. Sometimes people refer to me as "Jesus" "Jehova" "God" etc. So yeah think about inviting me, my skype is turtle.taco .

(Do I really need a fancy application plz)

Sorry Zero, the last thing we want is players with banned mains.
belt: 2nd dan black belt
competitive mods: Ninjitsu, mushu, wushu,judo
Previous clans: THe bomb sqaud
WHy i left: i was in active for over a year due to family issues. i know sledgren(in game)
You need me because im a competitive player im bot the best but i can improve with your help
Last edited by redb15; Jun 16, 2015 at 02:31 AM.