Accepting TC - USD - Item Overtrade

Set: 00: $USD Only
ToriShop ( - Random
ToriShop ( - Torsos
ToriShop ( - Textures
ToriShop ( - Sounds
ToriShop ( - Packs/Flames/Misc
ToriShop ( - Motion Trails
ToriShop ( - Hair Colors
ToriShop ( - Gradients
ToriShop ( - Ghosts
ToriShop ( - Forces/Relaxes
ToriShop ( - Color Misc
ToriShop ( - Bloods
ToriShop ( - 3D Models

Full Sets For sale!


Also feel free to dump any junk items into my inv :]

I also have 190k I'm willing to spend!
Originally Posted by Style View Post
Anything Tbh just no the NFS and style's stuff

How much for Styles Stash and The textures packed/not packed set
Originally Posted by Style View Post
Offer and 70k for the 128 joints

are you seriously offering 70k on something you just watched me pay 80k for? also it's in my USD only for sale set.