Flames how has your lenshu3ng been going lately? Also- very nice to see WAPOW recruited nicejesus. From my short time with him he seemed both a great person and a solid player.

Any larger focus on being more competitive as a clan?
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Yes we have been working on being more competitive and been practicing all the competitive mods instead of just playing ABD which we previously did. We still need to work on JudoFrac since we lost our star JudoFrac player but me and Lamby both are quite good at it so hopefully that will go smooth. We are planning to go far in clan league this year!

Lenshu has been going quite good. I play some games very well then others not so much lol. I'm not used to this playstyle so it'll take a bit more time getting used to but for the games I play well I do a lot better then how I previously played.

Nicejesus has been a pal for awhile and decided to apply a little while ago which we were very happy about lol

How have you been doing?

EDIT: you are a very experienced JudoFrac player right? I remember Krulls saying that you and him would play a bunch of JudoFrac back when he did
Last edited by Flames; Jan 15, 2016 at 04:33 AM.
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Originally Posted by Flames View Post
Yes we have been working on being more competitive and been practicing all the competitive mods instead of just playing ABD which we previously did. We still need to work on JudoFrac since we lost our star JudoFrac player but me and Lamby both are quite good at it so hopefully that will go smooth. We are planning to go far in clan league this year!

Lenshu has been going quite good. I play some games very well then others not so much lol. I'm not used to this playstyle so it'll take a bit more time getting used to but for the games I play well I do a lot better then how I previously played.

Nicejesus has been a pal for awhile and decided to apply a little while ago which we were very happy about lol

How have you been doing?

EDIT: you are a very experienced JudoFrac player right? I remember Krulls saying that you and him would play a bunch of JudoFrac back when he did

I'll speak very honestly despite it not being advantageous for competitive purposes. And this is the first time I'll go on record saying this:

It's a time waste to practice Judofrac. I knew coming into Clan League 2014, let alone 2015, that as an Alpha member I was the weakest of links outside of some known inactive players who weren't planning on participating. Anything TK related TIcux blows most players out of the water and we have BlueEvil. Anything aikido related I have the upmost faith in Imapirate's ability and Diamond's as well. Combine it with lenshu3ng where you have Winver, Diamond, TIcux, Odlov, you name it nearly every Alpha player is an unbelievable lenshu3ng player (especially Winver) and there was absolutely no way I would make a big impact in Clan League. But I care greatly about that competition, and I wanted to win one for myself for once, so I took it upon myself to learn Judofrac and play it relentlessly to be great at it and give some value to Alpha.

Here's what I learned: If you're good at grabbing mechanics, understand saves, these things that you pick up by dueling in ABD, that ability transfers over into Judofrac. A lot. On top of that: Judofrac has a word in it that's important- judo. It's luck based. When you only get 3 games or so of it in a league, you can't promise you'll win 3 of those games. You can't even promise you'll win 2. I LOST almost as much as I won. Arguably to players worse than me at the time. So if you're looking to improve in Toribash - you do it by playing mods that force you to learn the mechanics of Toribash as good as you can, and let it speak for itself in Judofrac. I might have actually played more Judofrac games than any player in Toribash, and yet was bested by other superior players who become superior by playing ABD and Lenshu3ng.

That's my humbling truth. I wish I learned it earlier, it took some clan mates of mine to help me understand that, and I'm a much better player for it now.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Hm yes that makes a lot of sense. When I first started playing JudoFrac I played with Krulls and we were around the same belt except I only played aikido and he only played JudoFrac and we went 1-1 a majority of the time. Thanks for that info I was actually planning on practicing to get better at JudoFrac but I guess that would just be in vain lol. So do you think the best plan would be have our best ABD players also play JudoFrac?
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Originally Posted by Flames View Post
Hm yes that makes a lot of sense. When I first started playing JudoFrac I played with Krulls and we were around the same belt except I only played aikido and he only played JudoFrac and we went 1-1 a majority of the time. Thanks for that info I was actually planning on practicing to get better at JudoFrac but I guess that would just be in vain lol. So do you think the best plan would be have our best ABD players also play JudoFrac?

Again, this is the first time I'll ever say this. Again, it's bad competitively for this information. But again - I really want to change who I am and part of that is being gracious and as helpful as possible.

I think every player in Toribash should spam the absolute shit out of lenshu3ng/rk-mma and ABD. SPRINKLE in a LITTLE TK. That's it. 1 mod that's low turn frame little luck striking mod, and 1 mod that's about grappling grabbing manipulation of weight under pressure gravity and body control. And TK is an anomaly of itself which is a LOT more luck based than people want to admit.

I have seen really really good wushu players be just okay at lenshu3ng and dreadful at ABD/greykido/TK/ErthTK/judofrac/you name it and those people can't make it into the top 16 teams. I've seen really really good aikido players be just okay at ABD and just dreadful at greykido/lenshu3ng/rk-mma/tk/erthtk/judofrac.

I have YET to see a player who I respect in lenshu3ng as a very good opponent, I respect them in ABD, and think that I have some serious edge against them in any mod. Because if they've mastered their knowledge of self-control within those two trades, they can take on anyone in anything. Players like Imapirate, Diamond, TIcux, Mwah, Rai, Kristis133, Shmevin, etc. those players can take any player in any mod (I'm sure that list has changed, I've been inactive) and they can take anyone anywhere anytime because they learned Tori-Control. I sincerely think the best you can be in ABD and lenshu3ng is how you can dominate in the rest of the game.

Here's what I know: If I can win 45/55 against Diamond in ABD, and 45/55 percentages against Killer3366/mwah in lenshu3ng, there's not a mod or player I'd be afraid to touch. That would be my goal.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Thanks a lot Hax or... Bodhisattva (how do you pronounce that??) for leaking all this info xD although ATM I don't think we are much of a threat to Alpha lol but just you wait >: )

But yes I have noticed that, also it makes a lot of sense once you have mastered ABD and Lenshu/RK you cover almost all of the ways the Tori works and helps understand it. After I started to improve at TK and Lenshu I have gotten better at ABD and just every mod in general because I can really understand how the game works more then when I just played ABD. I still have much to learn in all mods since not until recently I have really been wanting to improve as a player.
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Originally Posted by Flames View Post
Thanks a lot Hax or... Bodhisattva (how do you pronounce that??) for leaking all this info xD although ATM I don't think we are much of a threat to Alpha lol but just you wait >: )

But yes I have noticed that, also it makes a lot of sense once you have mastered ABD and Lenshu/RK you cover almost all of the ways the Tori works and helps understand it. After I started to improve at TK and Lenshu I have gotten better at ABD and just every mod in general because I can really understand how the game works more then when I just played ABD. I still have much to learn in all mods since not until recently I have really been wanting to improve as a player.

"Bow deez ot vah"

Everyone is a threat to everyone. You know that by know. Every day since you started playing Toribash you've lost games to Blue Belts. There is an element of luck to Toribash in every mod.

The better people you play, the more you're forced to improve. And if you can master manipulation of yourself in striking mods (lenshu3ng/rk-mma) and manipulation of others (ABD) you will find there's very little to overcome. I would go as far as to say practicing small dojo aikido mods can be a waste of time because it's essentially who shovels who better. And you'll find yourself in better company which usually results in much better recruiting when you're practicing with the right people in the right mods.

I'm going through the same process as you. I guess my only other advice that I've been taking recently (from myself to myself) that I've noticed a huge improvement in my game is not being afraid to look stupid. Essentially every game of Toribash is meaningless and holds no consequence so losing doesn't matter. In that, what I'm actually saying is it's better to try a lot of crazy risky and new ideas to problems you haven't found solutions to than dqing a lot more gracefully and feeling like it was "close".
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I usually want to play with better players but I usually feel like people instantly judge me because I'm in wapow :V I feel like people don't really mind about it anymore but still it makes me nervous sometimes and out of place. I think I'll start playing with better players now I usually just play in public servers which no one ever goes on ripparoni.

When I first played TK and Lenshu I would always play on an alt because I didn't want people to see how bad I was at it lol. But I have definitely learned that it dosent really matter when I lose in dumb ways because making mistakes is a great way to improve and learn. Recently in ABD I have been trying to put myself in bad positions so I can improve off them and really push myself. I have also been doing that a bunch in Lenshu sfter you told me to improve on that, and I gotta admit I had a few blue belts laugh at me yesterday because the way I dqed was so dumb but hey, it's all apart of the process xD
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Originally Posted by Flames View Post
I usually want to play with better players but I usually feel like people instantly judge me because I'm in wapow :V I feel like people don't really mind about it anymore but still it makes me nervous sometimes and out of place. I think I'll start playing with better players now I usually just play in public servers which no one ever goes on ripparoni.

When I first played TK and Lenshu I would always play on an alt because I didn't want people to see how bad I was at it lol. But I have definitely learned that it dosent really matter when I lose in dumb ways because making mistakes is a great way to improve and learn. Recently in ABD I have been trying to put myself in bad positions so I can improve off them and really push myself. I have also been doing that a bunch in Lenshu sfter you told me to improve on that, and I gotta admit I had a few blue belts laugh at me yesterday because the way I dqed was so dumb but hey, it's all apart of the process xD

I lost 4 tournaments today to people under 3rd Dan Black Belt, one of which to a Brown Belt. In RK-MMA. I'll be the player who I am for whatever that's worth because of the decisions I made.


It's worth mentioning Diamond thinks it's a waste of my time to play there anyways, he'd prefer me set out for much harder talent.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Jan 15, 2016 at 06:23 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Well if ya learned something it's totally worth, even if you didn't dosent really matter :V but I think every game played a little could be learn from regardless of how well it is play. I think I should start analyzing my repays more often and see what I may have missed previously or what I can improve upon.
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