Well, overpopulation would get us then. Wars and murders are necessary, because they trim down the population. For every baby born, someone is getting killed/dying from natural causes.
First:- I made Whisp3r clan angry then I played 2v1 me alone D: versus them I won 4-3 yeeeey, I think we need to war them to get higher rank tho, they have good rank but they're really inactive in their clan thread bluh.
About Topic:
Onsola, no There are much disasters we created our own, which can end our world, we would be lucky if we could live another 2000 years.
Define the natural disasters and examples
Not only, A Lot of natural/Human made disasters too ,not in war or etc like ozone layer which is very famous now, Now the sea is slowly increasing as the ice is being melt in that place which the ozone layer exist, Which can causes the Sink of coasts of many cities.
Also those natural earthquakes will destroy earth a part after a part, Natural disasters can't be fixed.
Also the earth sooner or later will get empty of it's good which keep us alive, Like water food too.
this why scientists trying to find a new place for human to stay
Last edited by Wetch; Dec 18, 2015 at 03:00 AM.
The human being is highly subestimated. How many times was this race close to disapear in the past? our race has survived thounsens of year and as long as there is not any big war I believe we will keep existing for ever.
You talk about natural disasters, those dont happen in the hole world, for instance were I live the worst thing is a one meter high flood 6 times a year or less. That if you live close to the river, which I dont so I dont see nothing more than the rain.
What is more, the tecnology makes this disasters less hazardous since we can deal with them slightly better, like the earthquake proof buildings.

Humans will survive till the end of the days in my opinion as long as there is hope

Off topic: Dont discuss with other clans or u will make me angry e.e, we already have problems with the clan called LuCK cause I kicked someone for inactivity and I dont want enemies
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
thats a really good edit vic, I think u showed it to me already or I have seen it before

Yeah I posted a leg band some pages ago...
Nice work tho, its a bit too evident u used the brush tho.. Idk if you would be able to read MAU in a 128 text

How much would the world last without wars and the sun blowing up? well I believe that it would last for ever then. Ppl are getting more conscious about pollution and started trying to 'fix' the troubles it has brought. And without wars the main reaons of massive dead and destruction is out (no need to mention the sun blowing up since that would be clearly the end)

Yeah evident' but tbh i like the brush effect. simple lines are too simple.
$ echo "Code is the canvas where logic dances, and bugs are the unexpected choreography."
honestly for the topic i believe we will one day become extinct, not from causes like disease or murder, but because of some sort of situation in space like when the Andromeda Galaxy collides with our own in a few billion years, i think our best bet for our survival time is until then, but thats my opinion.

For some one who dosen't post alot (me) i feel like i am posting to much lol, but and update on a real set that i am creating.. tell me if you like it ?


With stuff

$ echo "Code is the canvas where logic dances, and bugs are the unexpected choreography."
Originally Posted by BumbleBurke View Post
honestly for the topic i believe we will one day become extinct, not from causes like disease or murder, but because of some sort of situation in space like when the Andromeda Galaxy collides with our own in a few billion years, i think our best bet for our survival time is until then, but thats my opinion.

Two things.
You're wrong, and you're wrong.
In 5 billion years the Sun will become a giant, swallowing Mercury, and eventually swallowing Earth up. Also, the Andromeda galaxy will cut through, and then collide and then it will settle. This process will approximately take 8 billion years, we're long gone by then, unless we haven't found a way to colonize the galaxy, and that opinion is plain wrong. That's why it's not an opinion.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
The human being is highly subestimated. How many times was this race close to disapear in the past? our race has survived thounsens of year and as long as there is not any big war I believe we will keep existing for ever.
You talk about natural disasters, those dont happen in the hole world, for instance were I live the worst thing is a one meter high flood 6 times a year or less. That if you live close to the river, which I dont so I dont see nothing more than the rain.
What is more, the tecnology makes this disasters less hazardous since we can deal with them slightly better, like the earthquake proof buildings.

Humans will survive till the end of the days in my opinion as long as there is hope

Yeah, except peace doesn't hold for long, you know. Every once in a while greedy people, or a greedy person comes along and starts a war. What I'm saying is, that there will eventually be some war, because humans are inherently greedy.

Originally Posted by MMATori View Post
Well, overpopulation would get us then. Wars and murders are necessary, because they trim down the population. For every baby born, someone is getting killed/dying from natural causes.

That is pretty clever, but you're right. Earth was never made for this kind of population. Right now, there are enough people on this planet, that there would have to be 10 Earths to atleast give everyone on this planet the minimal amount of food to stay healthy.

Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
Nice vic but, you dont dl and lp me ;-;.

This is my old skn. I have a new tori.

Fuck me ;-;. Re do the video ;-;

Yeah no.
Originally Posted by Wetch View Post
Cool, vid I think it's way better by the white-Black background as well, I didn't like the music, I don't prefer this kind of music but it's still a good vid (Without music)
Please can you in next edition of the Mau vid Edit me ? :C
Aaaa, Any ways, Guys I'm lonely can someone help?
New discussion :
How much you think our world will hold if we didn't war?
Our world Is being killed daily but slowly at least, How much you think it can be hold without any wards/Sun turns to supernova or something, I want how much you think it can hold our destruction?

Sun cannot turn to a supernova. It does not have enough mass to do that. It will turn into a red giant, with the diameter of about Earth's orbit. Then it will turn into a planetary nebula, with the core of a white dwarf.
hot singles in your area (1.2 miles away)!
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
thats a really good edit vic, I think u showed it to me already or I have seen it before

Yeah I posted a leg band some pages ago...
Nice work tho, its a bit too evident u used the brush tho.. Idk if you would be able to read MAU in a 128 text

How much would the world last without wars and the sun blowing up? well I believe that it would last for ever then. Ppl are getting more conscious about pollution and started trying to 'fix' the troubles it has brought. And without wars the main reaons of massive dead and destruction is out (no need to mention the sun blowing up since that would be clearly the end)

Humans will colonize the galaxy, probably. We're capable of doing so much. The religious have always underestimated the audacity of people. They used to say, that the Greek god Zeus lived on the mountain Olympus. In 1908, Mt Olympus's peak was climbed and nobody was found there.
And then they said that the one true god, was a god of the sky. Again, they underestimated us, and we flew the skies. Fuck, I just realized this went so off topic. Oh well.
Well I said it all above, so yeah lol.
hum... ohay about topic:

I think without wars this world can be here for 1000000000000 years, but, if you count the pollution etc... yh.

I agree with you mat (for the first time... but agree) "Humans will colonize the galaxy, probably. We're capable of doing so much" but for this, we need stop be stupid (corruption, wars, etc). "And then they said that the one true god, was a god of the sky. Again, they underestimated us, and we flew the skies." - seriously? yh, the humanity is stupid... i surrender.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
You all talking about the sun, so this turned to be a "sunny" theme.
...... Get it?

Well I'm not into this thing about the earth destroying or getting swallowed or anything, the thing I know is I will live, reproduce, then die, without getting killed by the sun?

Originally Posted by Matrx's ass

I think I can live without any problems, my city is pretty calm.
Running away...
lol, guys check this replay i've made on trampv.tbm
you guys should try this mod... really fun.
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Factory. Sometimes sleeping.