MRootz & TheSecret, sorry both of you, I behaved badly, you could say, you know, I probably seemed a bit cocky at the start, but thats just my character, i can try to change it, and stuff... ehh, im going to tell you the truth, i just broke up with one of my friends, he was one of them "bad guys" you could say, and he was always swearing, mocking people, annoying people, and when he was doing that i just was standing there and watching, and i think he had a huge effect on my behaviour and attitude through these 2 years we knew each other, im trying to be as polite as i can but sometimes i just get angry about something, or i have a bad day, or something, im sorry both of you, i am, i really want to get into secret and i dont want any trouble getting there, sorry, if theres anything i can do so you can forgive me, ill do it.

EJM, Thanks for supporting me, appriciate it.
Last edited by Metriakon; Sep 7, 2012 at 07:02 PM.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
getting there, sorry, if theres anything i can do to forgive you, ill do it.

lol you take some important risks.
French Froggy
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
if theres anything i can do to forgive you, ill do it.

You mean they forgive you, not you forgive them :o
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Oh, i wrote that wrong, i need to fix that.

//Edit, fixed, now just need to wait for response of theirs.

Laser, i dont think they will ask me for my home adress, will they? but yeah, now im thinking about this, but whatever.
Last edited by Metriakon; Sep 7, 2012 at 07:04 PM.
Heh, don't do anything you're not comfortabel doing.
Also my interview with hampa is up.

Main points
- Hair colours coming soon and even hair textures.
- Joint textures will be very epxensive (and USD only)
- Toribash to try and go to steam when all the wrinkles are ironed out. (yes, steam.)

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Your attempt at apologizeing is pathetic,
me and thesecret can both agree that youre a complete tool.
do we necessarily want you? no, if you want our approval and friendship
you'll have to do better than to blame your friends and foes
Last edited by MRootz; Sep 8, 2012 at 11:46 AM.
Ok, you want to be like that, be like that. I tried to apologize, you didnt accept it, fine.

After seeing your response i suppose TheSecrets response will be similar.