Two possibilities:
A) Your brain is fucking up (probably because it's 4am) and everything will be okay
B) Everyone in your neighborhood sleeps like a log and everything will be okay.
Go back to sleep. There is a logical explanation for everything, even if it is not immediately apparent.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Sep 1, 2015 at 09:47 AM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
C) Everyone in your neighbourhood sleeps like a log so nobody will hear you scream when he comes for you tonight. It will not be okay.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Jodus View Post
I can fckin swear there are some fckin weird things in my neighbor's house(which he left it cuz he was mentally crazy.) Last night at around 4am i heard a car crash in front of the house. It was strange how it happened, i couldn't see anything through the windows cuz it was a bit far. Seconds after the crash i heard some weird shit and a woman nervously yelling "stay with me! stay with me!". Then a car was going on their way and stopped, and quickly ran backwards till it disappeared... Shits got more weird when i only heard the car barely accelerating consecutively. Then after 5 secs everything was in silence.. I went out to the fence of the house to see better, but guys, there was nothing around... I just said "wtf i am doing here", i ran inside. Few minutes later i heard some wiggles on the tree that is on the back of my neighbor's house. Then some fast movements from the road to the backyard. It wasn't constant, but weird enough to take the shit out of me. No one on the neighborhood heard the crash or anything... Right now, im hearing again the fckin weird moves, and some fcking cellphone. HALP

Hey everyone, also I think you were the neighbor who was mentally crazy.
Originally Posted by Jodus View Post
I can fckin swear there are some fckin weird things in my neighbor's house(which he left it cuz he was mentally crazy.) Last night at around 4am i heard a car crash in front of the house. It was strange how it happened, i couldn't see anything through the windows cuz it was a bit far. Seconds after the crash i heard some weird shit and a woman nervously yelling "stay with me! stay with me!". Then a car was going on their way and stopped, and quickly ran backwards till it disappeared... Shits got more weird when i only heard the car barely accelerating consecutively. Then after 5 secs everything was in silence.. I went out to the fence of the house to see better, but guys, there was nothing around... I just said "wtf i am doing here", i ran inside. Few minutes later i heard some wiggles on the tree that is on the back of my neighbor's house. Then some fast movements from the road to the backyard. It wasn't constant, but weird enough to take the shit out of me. No one on the neighborhood heard the crash or anything... Right now, im hearing again the fckin weird moves, and some fcking cellphone. HALP

RIP Jodus.
Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
Hi Novixx, how are you doing?

Jodus, ai ai caramba, stop using drugs chiuahua.

Good, how are you?
I am prett fine, thanks. Just about to go to the college and such.

Also Noviix, keep posting around and lurking on irc and we may discuss your application again.
School is literally killing me.

Like seriously.

I think I've contracted AIDS from sitting on the toilet seat.
I'm taking music GCSE with two teachers and one of them just lets me go into the studio and play drums for two lessons, I think I'm gonna like this year