Originally Posted by Dogzy View Post
Hey guys I'm back. I know that I haven't been active, and it's my fault. I should have been more active, but school has been kicking my bunz. So the reason I haven't been active is school.

alright, it was some time a go that you got kicked tho, make an app and next time let me know in advance. We will go easy on your app, next time be more active.
Originally Posted by 0RIGINAL5 View Post
Well, finals are over and I got it, I made an A on all of them. Now I can get back to the activity ya butts. Also, please check my replay thread and CNC I would really appreciate it.

Good now you will be able to be active as hell again (or I hope so)
I will check them later
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
MM are a bunch of aikido folks man, we cant beat em. A minority of them are sparrers, I think 3 or 4 people know how to spar.
I'm not talking bad about the clan is just a fact.

There is no excuse, not tolose by 6 points... when we warred with other clans as WAPOW or NO we didnt lose by such abig diference. We even defeated WAPOW once. The only time we had a big loss it was against Nitro and Idk who started that war e.e
So yeah nobody is getting promoted to war team here, looks like if I am not in the war shit happens.
Equaly is a myth, nobody will ever treat two diferent persons the same way. Simply cause you cant, I cant treat you the same way I treat seba and thats simple because you are diferent.
As there arent two equal persons, there arent for instance two onsola's.

Just deal with it, also come on they wont give the same importance to what USA says than what Argentina says for instance. Poor countries barely have no voice there.
About men and women I believe it is a stupid discussion since none is better than the other and both should have the same right and therefore there should be a male secretary.
So yeah thats my humble opinion, if u dont like it well thats cause you have a diferent opinion and we aren equal.
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 17, 2015 at 04:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Equaly is a myth, nobody will ever treat two diferent persons the same way. Simply cause you cant, I cant treat you the same way I treat seba and thats simple because you are diferent.
As there arent two equal persons, there arent for instance two onsola's.

Just deal with it, also come on they wont give the same importance to what USA says than what Argentina says for instance. Poor countries barely have no voice there.
About men and women I believe it is a stupid discussion since none is better than the other and both should have the same right and therefore there should be a male secretary.
So yeah thats my humble opinion, if u dont like it well thats cause you have a diferent opinion and we aren equal.

You can treat me the same as you do for seba, regardless of whether we're different or not. You could be that person who's nice to everyone, even if they love you unconditionally or vice versa. The thing I'm saying is, that you can be an egalitarian (I know it's a long word but stick with me) if you try hard enough.
Poor countries are generally less developed, and have less importance in the UN. Even if all the other countries voted yes for something to happen, the Permanent Members (most important members) could veto the decision. The Big Five are -
China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
It's because these countries have importance.

Also, I agree with you on the gender thing except for the last one. I don't think there should be either, I mean, they should not set lower standards for women to become secretary since that is not egalitarianism. Thanks for the shitty opinion, and also for reading my shitty opinion.
I like it when people discuss gender politics. Or race politics, or other "minority" politics.
If i may quote something from my hero:

"Fuck black rights, fuck womens rights and fuck gay rights, if you're truly for equality you should be for the rights of everyone."
-TJ Kirk
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
Wtf? I was left out again, good job guys. I'm devastated emotionally now.

Also, the new topic, say thanks
What do you think about the UN (majority of it, to be precise) wanting a female secretary for next year, replacing Ban ki moon. And they say it's "equality".
How is this equality? They're giving less chances to a man and more to a woman just so they can say that a woman is the secretary, just for the sake of equality for both sexes.
Wowow, I just owned feminists with my logic.

meh... this sucks.

i think both have the same "laws", and if everyone does their part will be good. obviously, a man can do things what woman cant do and vice versa.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Being nice and respecting everyone doesnt mean you treat everyone the same way. Lets put it this way, you dont treat us as you treat your mother, Why? arent we all equal?
Not everyone is as important to as and therefore we can treat everyone the same way.

We do have to be nice and respectful with everyone tho.

There was this experiment, if there was a train that lost its control and u have a lever which chages its course and there were 4 persons in the left course and one in the right you wull obviosly change it to the one person's side since it would mean only one death insteand of 4.

However, if that one person was a friend or relative of yours would u still let him die to save 4 persons or would you prefer to let die 4 persons and save your relative's/friend's life?
Most ppl would save their relative/friend and that means you arent considering them as equals since you prefered to save one life and leave too die 4 people, meaning his/her life was worth 4 other ppl's life
i just respect other people,independent of what he do,his preferences,just respect.
i have alot of different friends,we all respect each other.
i finished the video and removed the glitch.
Last edited by victortb; Dec 17, 2015 at 08:40 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Being nice and respecting everyone doesnt mean you treat everyone the same way. Lets put it this way, you dont treat us as you treat your mother, Why? arent we all equal?
Not everyone is as important to as and therefore we can treat everyone the same way.

We do have to be nice and respectful with everyone tho.

There was this experiment, if there was a train that lost its control and u have a lever which chages its course and there were 4 persons in the left course and one in the right you wull obviosly change it to the one person's side since it would mean only one death insteand of 4.

However, if that one person was a friend or relative of yours would u still let him die to save 4 persons or would you prefer to let die 4 persons and save your relative's/friend's life?
Most ppl would save their relative/friend and that means you arent considering them as equals since you prefered to save one life and leave too die 4 people, meaning his/her life was worth 4 other ppl's life

yh, but i will save 4 because 4 is better than 1.

i respect a person if he respect the others.

also, good job vic ;)
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
i just respect other people,independent of what he do,his preferences,just respect.
i have alot of different friends,we all respect each other.
i finished the video and removed the glitch.

Wow that Vid is beautiful.

I respect your decision on leaving and I hope you have a great rest of your tb career.
Great jpb vic, thanks for the video, I will put it in the main post now.
pd: If I dont aka, seba, eki, gru or Ori any of u put it for me, since I might lag
Ok vic, sum hardcore cnc. im gonna help ya out and i got you 11 views xD. ok probably not but i watched it 11 times. First, your slow mo is ver choppy you need to get it at a higher framerate. There was little to no sync at all and transitions were meh. Try experimenting with new shaders and other effects. You had no screen pumps or other forms of sync other than a couple of times, you need more. In the end i give it a 7/10 so keep it up and get better.

Edit: Smooth out the camera tilt its also choppy. That is all
Last edited by 0RIGINAL5; Dec 17, 2015 at 10:36 PM.