oh damn shad... ^-^

me and my girlfriend are together for over 3 years now :0
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My right wisdom tooth is going to get pulled out on Monday. I'll have an operation and I'll have to be at home for a week. And 2 other regular teeth on the right side are going to get pulled out too. And after a month another operation is waiting for my left side. I'm actually a bit depressed lately cause I started to develop some kind of relationship with my classmates. I feel popular around girls now but the only thing still no gf. At like November I'll have braces and my mouth is going to look ugly as fuck. I already have uneven teeth so after operation friendzone all the way.
Uberis is always putting effort into writting these posts, I mean, I admire you
In other words, I just dropped by here to inform you that I really shat my pants watching Grave Encounters 2 at 1:00 AM.
> Piratez
Dat seems nice Axel, btw welcome back, 3 years is a lot, do you pretend marry her? you're young, 18 years old, but, feel free to do anything that u want.
And you guys, everything alright?
Everything's alright, no serious problem and at least few members came to post. :3

Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
My right wisdom tooth is going to get pulled out on Monday. I'll have an operation and I'll have to be at home for a week. And 2 other regular teeth on the right side are going to get pulled out too. And after a month another operation is waiting for my left side. I'm actually a bit depressed lately cause I started to develop some kind of relationship with my classmates. I feel popular around girls now but the only thing still no gf. At like November I'll have braces and my mouth is going to look ugly as fuck. I already have uneven teeth so after operation friendzone all the way.

Is something wrong with your teeth?
Personally, I think its a great chance to see whether your gf candidates judge you by your looks or by your attitude.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Is something wrong with your teeth?
Personally, I think its a great chance to see whether your gf candidates judge you by your looks or by your attitude.

^ Man mode activated.
I'm on my phone right now so sorry for any typos. My phone is pretty laggy and correcting mistakes takes a lot of time. I was forced to go to my countryside as tomorrow I'll have to collect potatoes.

So about my teeth. The 3rd tooth from the left side didn't have much spot to grow as my jaw is too small. So t looks like a fang forced a bit out. It isnt that bad but my other teeth started changing positions. I didnt want to go to the dentist when I was a bit younger so I promised my mom that I'll do it this year. I had to consultate with a surgeon so he said that my jaw is too small and I'll have to get 4 of my teeth pulled out. My bottom side teeth aren't that bad but 1 tooth is a bit forced outside. After I took an x-ray of my jaw the doctor said my wisdom teeth on the bottom are growing towards the centre of my mouth. I will have problems after few years if I don't pull them out now. So in total 6 teeth should get pulled out. At first operation my right side will be dealt with and after a month my left side. After that I can get braces. I'll have enough spot that my teeth can alligne properly.

I'm sad that 4straight teeth are going to be gone so my smile won't look nice. Smiling with mouth closed ftw. It is probably in my head that I'll have no chances to get a gf but after loweeing expectations I can never get dissapointed. Although if I get to the kissing part I don't think that the girl will like it. For the first time in my life I actually want to go to school as I'll meet dem sweet girls. They talk so sweet to me that I actually enjoy most of the boring lessons. I'll have to skip school for one week after the operation so that is the main reason why I'm upset. It feels like my Belgium trip all over again. Cute girls who talk sweet to me makes me feel happy. I could say that I already have a crush on the girl that I took the same bus together. She sweet talks me in school when she gets close to me. I probably have left a bad impression on others as on the first days of school I was acting serious and not talking much. I think I have shown myself as a shy introvert but I dunno really. I'm usually really sleepy so I act like I don't notice other people or I just don't talk to anyone. Acting cool much. Although when someone tries to approach me I try to be funny and make conversations longer. I don't want to show much attention to only one person which may be my crush as other girls will notice my feelings. I actually dislike not approaching anyone as I have to stay silent. I usually go to C class in the breaks as I know most of the guys. But I guess not approaching anyone works so far. I can ssee girls showing interest about me. But after a while this may be a turn off for others.

I probably brain farted somewhere and there could be illogical sentences so sorry. Writing on phone sucks.
No room for teeth on jaw huh, best to take care of it now. My grandpa got the same problem but he never give a damn about it, needless to say his teeth looks.... strange?
Ever seen orsimer's mouth in Skyrim? It kinda looks like that.

As for your crush, act normal and take it easy man, you will get laid. :3
So it is done. I still can't feel right side of my mouth. It didn't hurt that much. Anesthesia worked and I didn't feel pain. Now it hurts like fuck. I have stitches and they will be removed after like 2 weeks. I went back to sleep after the operation and I woke up with my pillow red. I've been tasting blood for like 2 hours. Can't feel my face, can't eat. I'm sad.