just sayin in general alot of dick talk and suff kinda weird lol.
btw sry for bein a dick when u applyed.
Last edited by 3263441; Sep 2, 2012 at 10:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
metri cease this faggotry, ur makeing ur self look like a fool, and you dont even belong here so itīs an offense to be spaming here like that, behave.
Some people do it because they can and know boundrys, cuz they been told already.

also got my strange eternal reward and strapped on a dominator counter on it.
im to goddamn tired to to event tell what ur talking about so yah.
Last edited by 3263441; Sep 2, 2012 at 06:06 PM.
Digits, no problem, i took that insult as a joke.
TheSecret, Yeah, sorry about that, i have these days when im a faggot, and sorry for the spam, i just like quick responding.
You have to realise we are a top clan and we aspect constructive posts in each thread , specialy this one, so that quick response bullshit is considerated spamming, ssame goes to you digits.
Just because you see me and carrotz do it doesnt mean you can, we know each other and we been here for a long time so conversations like this occur only punctualy. We do not vent out our fagness into other clan mates.
Originally Posted by MRootz View Post
Metriakon youre not in secret.. wtf

That doesn't mean he can't post.

Originally Posted by 3263441 View Post
HAY im still wanting to do an event and the person iv been planing it with isnt avalable so who can help me plan the event.

Details go.

Originally Posted by 3263441 View Post
thanks.also why is everyone not getting censored for all this dick and faggot talk?

Originally Posted by 3263441 View Post
im to goddamn tired to to event tell what ur talking about so yah fukoff i think?

I'll be deleting every such post so it's no problem.

Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post

You'd be surprised the amount of rootz' posts I deleted, those are not punctual.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

thatīs why a conversation is punctual, since it take 1 person to talk back to another, if i dont see the post i canīt make a conversation, those are spam sprees rootz has when he doesnt take his medicine, like never...
Oh, that just means rootz never ever took his medicine :o
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I do take my meds : /, anyway i was asking why Metriakon' is not in secret
and yeah i agree with TheSecret i do not want Metriakon to spam our board with
random pictures, unrelated media, huge texts with no purpose other than itself.

addressing some things that members and none'members are haveing a hard time understanding.
i post random stuff but its because i know how to push EJM's buttons
''I'll be deleting every such post so it's no problem''
i know why i post them and he knows why i post them,
in the end im not a complete moron, which is hard not to think about ( Metriakon )
Last edited by MRootz; Sep 2, 2012 at 02:18 PM.