My gmt is -3:00. Onsola you know that. (Onsola,Superseba and me we are from Argentina)

Uppkicker: I see that you are shitposting all the time. Make more HQ post pls.

I belive that the community never will dead, because in the forums soooo much people its really active. Like me, Onsola, iMatrx, tunadao, etc.

Other thing: What do you think if i change my name for iMateoo?
I think it would be a waste of of toricredits. Why wuold you change it? your name is not bad and it doesnt have any numbers so why? (no ofense eki but nobody likes numbers)
mine ends in 5

friendship <3

and I don't see the point in changing it, its a waste of TC, its especially bad for people like me, who make replays, cuz i'd have to go through all my replays and change the tori into my new name, I just like things to be organized
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I dont like so much my name.
What do you think of iMateoo.

When i will be a GM or MS, i will change my name free.
ouh bquad bad time to check the forums man. But yeah people dont like numbers, for instance if u changed ur name to Bquad it would be amazing, dont tell me you wouldnt like to be called just Bquad.

Alright I will stop talking before I screw this up more than have already
People with numbers are not that bad...Don't be racist onsola xD

I am sorry for being serious and harsh in this clan guys but we need to be know? But guys we still need some other people's GMT or US code. (I might be the only one..)

Onsola please respond, do you want my steam ID or skype username? I can't call you until christmas but you can still contact me and tell me anything you need. We need to do wars and it's Monday let's schedule something Thursday or Friday. I won't be able to be on at 3:00-4:00 tomorrow but we still will be able to war or do an event at 4-5.

Let's start a new topic...I got nothing you guys?
Yeah absoulety bro...
You have like a thing that makes you so fucking serious like for real, do not be that serious man, we need a clan who also make jokes.
I got nothing you guys?

Didn't understand.
Running away...
I had a namechange once if anyone actually knew that,

Anywho, I got a bit longer work days to today but i'm finnaly off work for about 3-4 weeks now,

yey, will be more active finally n stuff.
And about the numbers in name shizels, I really don't care about the matter of numbers in names myself, but for example ingame or whatever i'd say they look kinda odd, I'd like a name without numbers more than one with them so to say.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
I think it would be a waste of of toricredits. Why wuold you change it? your name is not bad and it doesnt have any numbers so why? (no ofense eki but nobody likes numbers)

Actually i'm offending myself for having numbers in my name, that's why i try my best to market alot so i can get tc for a namechange

also, Gmt +8 , PST