Originally Posted by Anything21 View Post
Hello uhh well I am Anyting21 (I have no idea if I put my Real name) I am kinda god at mushu and aikido well... not really good I have played this game for about a year and its pretty fun.I want to join Nitro Clan becuase well I just love being in clans and I think I might like this clan I have no skype and yes I have been in a clan the clans are Mystic and Destiny Im also a blue belt.So if You wanna add me in idk if I can be in wars.So have a great day
oh yeah can you give me useless stuff I really need it

Denied. App so shitty that it looks like something I would flush down my toilet and didn't even read first post. To put it nicely.

Day Moderated Message:
Bercat came out of hibernation just to tell you that...
Last edited by Day; Dec 22, 2015 at 03:28 AM.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
No regrets

So I'm back Taylorf09 So i'm gonna Re Apply Cause That would be the smart thing of course

What I do for a living
Is Play games And Do Art And i sell the art i make I get roughly 45-60 USD in 1 week or more So i live on my own of course cause i'm 20 now and iv'e been around Toribash for 2 years now community is nice except for the debates we have now and again and since my other account got lost I missed the Spark Nitro And me had until that one day on 29th of October boom My account got lost So I made a new account IRC helped but never solved it.

Why i want to rejoin
Well because nitro was dear to my heart To be honest i never wanted to miss anything i was active daily unless i had places to go but ever since i joined my life got bumped up a notch like literally.I didn't mind if i wasn't in wars but you would of always knew i would of giving you verbal support and i hope this account doesn't get screwed

Random information
Gender- Female
Real name- Ashley
Where i live- America Fuck yeah!
Skype- Nope
Teamspeak-Nope but i might use it in the future
Birthday- 8th September 1995

What i use to play games
I use steam Ad if you want to add me my name is MASTER BAKA!
I play Mitosis toribash,dungeon defenders,teamfortress2, gmod And my favorite Counter strike:Global offense

And I do see the sunlight i don't just sit in my house and do art and play games and crap like that I go out Every now and again So don't think i'm some kind of forum stalker wierdo.

From your former member Taylorf09
lol plz yes. idc aboot anything taylor proved to me dat she is nice n stuffs.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
I am a good but not to good tb player love sparring and wushu and mushu and many other ones on week days ill usually be on at 5pm to 9pm on weekends 9am to whatever time i am 15 and would like to be in your clan because fuck it
Originally Posted by Flariken View Post
I am a good but not to good tb player love sparring and wushu and mushu and many other ones on week days ill usually be on at 5pm to 9pm on weekends 9am to whatever time i am 15 and would like to be in your clan because fuck it

Absolute trash app. You must be homeless if you think that this app looks good. Also watch your language. fuck it? No. fuck you. Get out.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Flariken View Post
I am a good but not to good tb player love sparring and wushu and mushu and many other ones on week days ill usually be on at 5pm to 9pm on weekends 9am to whatever time i am 15 and would like to be in your clan because fuck it


Lol, loser.
woah chill.
I'm MorganWolf I played with one of the member of Nitro (Zwar) we played for maybe 20 minute and in the end he said I was good and that I might want to apply for Nitro so here I am giving it a shot.

I want to keep my real name to myself if it's okay for everyone, i'm fifteen year old (2000 9 10) and I am a french speaking canadian. I like classical music and piano a lot, I watch a lot of anime I dislike school and talking with people in real life.

I'm a smurf I had a lot of account and...well stuff happened forgot my passwords some said I needed to reset them but I had deleted the e-mail adress or forgot the password so yeah long story short I can't get back any of my account and I really don't mind if I remember correctly I was around black belt on my highest account, I don't remember the rank and the system changed anyway. I've been in Hustled I think the name was? I was with Cow and Wut the clan died soon after I joined, i've been in monk aswell a long time ago under the name PureLock if I remember correctly that's pretty much all the info I have/remember about my accounts. I like playing random mod with people but I mostly play Aikido big dojo, I don't know any mod I don't enjoy but I am only good at aikido big dojo.

Why I want to join Nitro: Because the clan name is okay and the people seem alright, look like a serious clan.

I do not have skype and I don't plan on getting it since I have an accent when I speak english and it make me nervous when I speak.

Pretty much it.

"Day is better than Zack at Toribash."
Last edited by MorganWolf; Dec 23, 2015 at 11:20 PM. Reason: Because of my innatention.