
As you already know you're on pending-status. We're testing you out atm, and you should try getting some friends in Wapow.

Personally I like you and I think you'd be a great addition to Wapow. Good luck!
Nice having the game test. My fear was right though. I can't say I liked the games but it was fun while it lasted right?
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Technically Fleshmon is rite. Flesh I love you bby <3

Oh stop it subz you making me blush here
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
What do you have to offer WAPOW?: I am a top 50 global ranked player who was previously in Bomb, but bomb has seen a bit of a breakup. I can offer my skills in Akido and Akido sub mods to win wars for WAPOW. I am a respectful person in the toribash community and do not pick verbal fights for any reason. I have very good in game activity. I believe I have more to offer to WAPOW than the majority of Toribash players

What's you favorite mod?: equally Akido, ABD, and Greykido

How often do you play? I often play at least a few games everyday. I will rarely spend more than 3 days inactive.

Do you post regularly in forums? Only recently to submit my replays for top 5 insane fights. I would like to increase my forum activity.

Do you check and respond to your PMs? always.

I have played toribash since i was 12 y/o (I'm 1 and recently have started playing it as my main video game. I love akido mods

I am from Canada. I live on Vancouver Island and yes i play hockey. Hockey has been my life pretty much since i was 7. I played competitive hockey until the end of the last season and now i plan to start doing kickboxing! I am an easy going guy; most people seem to like me or don't have problems with me I have friends who aren't "cool" and i have friends who are "cool" I personally do not care how cool someone is I mainly care if they have good vibes.

I don't have a Skype (I use Teamspeak) but if I am accepted I will download it.

Cheers, Numpter
nice fill packed app nump.
darknesslor you will need to fix those posts and reapply
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
To whom it may concern: Guys. After I had a brief moment, I wad thinnking, with the permission from you guys, that you give e another chance at the test thing.
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Hey guys, My name is Jagron and I'm here to apply.

Let's start off with a straight forward; my ign is Jagron and I am 14 years old, I won't say my real name because I don't give that information away at every single thing.

I have been playing Toribash for about one year and In that time I have found myself playin tourneys, training, and texturing most often. While that is not all I do, it is where I spend most of my time. My favourite mods include abd, aikido, greykido, mushu, lenshu3ng, and sometimes boxshu.

About my personality, I see myself as a more laid back person, I like to joke around and have fun, whether you see that as mature or not is up to you.

Things that I enjoy doing outside of Toribash are ROTMG(Permission to judge granted), And Tree Of Life

Over my 1 year of toribash I have been in few clans, most all of them I left due to inactivity.
My previous clans were Royal Smile Ash Entity Oreo and Nano. I have been in others but those are ones I remember off the top of my head.

On the topic of forum and ingame activity I am decent. On the forums I am the most active at about 7-8/10. Around the ingame area, right now I am about 9/10 and within the next month or so when schools starts, I'll be playing only after school and weekends meaning a drop to 7/10.

I have both Steam and Skype. My skype will be below this section.
Skype: Tiuhti4

I have been banned once for assisting a decap rig. As a person trying to become better at texturing I have done textures for fun mostly but i plan on making sets for tc.

I want to join this clan because I am looking for a clan that is active known and ain't full of a-holes. I think you guys will see me as an asset because I can texture decently, I can help and wars, and I am very familiar with the forums.

About me now, as I said earlier I am a 14 year old, I play lacrosse as an attackman.
I sometimes go play a game or two of basketball with my friends at a local court. I am an A-B student and I live with a very lazy family. It is because of this lazy family of mine that I both can play on the weekdays and why I am an A-B student. On my free time I alternate between playing games, practicing my percussion, practicing my sketching, working on my texturing, reading books (Permission to call me nerd granted) and playing with my two dogs.

At this point in the app I believe I have covered most, if not all of the subjects that are required and more. So I suppose that this would be the end of my app.

I hope you guys accept me and I wish you good will.
Thank you for your time,
Ok, so I have yet to see you ingame although that would be difficult as I'm in England. You're old enough to be able to consistently act maturely and your win ratio is relatively good. I know that from ingame experience, older players will find themselves more able to gain a greater understanding of the game - considering the high learning curve - as an oppose to younger players. This means that even If you had started playing later then when you did start, you would still probably be above average with regards to skill. The fact that you have had a long time to familiarise yourself with the main concept of Toribash makes you a valuable member.

But I must ask you about why you seem to have bought qi.

Thank You For Reading
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*