Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Man, I miss WOW cataclysme. I used to play on French servers cuz the lag was horrible in US servs. I'm still trying to figure out how I was able to duel people and win 50% of the time when I was only a 7 year old warrior lmao. Good times.
"No one will remember your name"

about time

got from a mythic+ chest. tried to screenshot whenever I saw it in the chest, but it froze my laptop for some reason

even better is that it's actually a decent legendary for me, which is pretty sweet
Last edited by Rfifan; Nov 3, 2016 at 01:29 AM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020

meanwhile i just got another one of my worst in slot legendaries, top kek. i now have the 3 of the worst mage legendaries aside from prydaz and belo'vir's, at least i finally have a damage one as useless as it may be. hopefully my luck can only go up from here?

Last edited by Faint; Nov 3, 2016 at 08:57 AM.
yeah so started (re?)playing this game im a havoc demon hunter, just questing to 110, can someone tell me the cool kids addons nowadays and if there is stuff i should know condidering ill be 110 soon but dont actually know how to play
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
1. Get Deadly Boss Mods. It pretty much tells you what bosses are going to do, and what to do.

2. Avoid the dungeon Halls of Valor. Period. Literally the worst dungeon ever.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
sort of depends, there are some pretty common addons that almost everyone uses such as dbm (deadly boss mods) and skada (damage meter), some people prefer bigwigs/littlewigs over dbm but they serve the same purpose. there really aren't many addons you really need as a havoc dh, dbm and skada (skada isn't needed but it's nice to have a damage meter) should be fine. check around online or use curse to look at the most popular addons to see what you want.
britten's spell flash is pretty useful to new players. though idk if the guy has released a dh version yet.
Addons I recommend:

Auctionator - Makes it so much easier to buy the cheapest stuff, and to sell stuff at the right price without getting ripped off.

Bagnon - Makes your bags appear in one big bag instead of lots of small ones (so convenient man)

Bartender4 - Only at an intermediate level, to sort your abilities and bars the way you want. Im sure you've seen very difference interfaces from people, no one really uses the same layout. I have my own for example.

My layout (big screenshot)

Garrison Mission Manager - Works in Legion order halls for missions, tells you the 3 highest % chances to success so you can just click and it will load the units/champions for you. Its lazy but best way after doing it for so long

Postal - Can open all post at once

Prat 3.0 - Better looking chat, you can even change settings like font, size, color etc

Skada - Damage meter, great to see if you are doing bad or good and to test which spec does more damage or who is slacking in the group (measures healing too)

Tidy Plates - Confusing to get used to at first but its the most helpful thing ever, everyone hates default blizz healthbars look and how they work

World Quest Tracker - Tracks world quests nicely from map and can "gps" to which ones you want to do by clicking it

Deadly Boss Mods - Get for every expansion eventually but core should be fine for now, it tells you when big spells are about to be cast with timers. If you tank, this is a must. Actually for dps too but you wont use it all the time unless its important abilities
Last edited by ConCon; Nov 3, 2016 at 05:13 PM.
AoTC for EN ends in 2 days and I can't find a pug due to either AoTC requirements, being "full" (2/4/9(the sweet spot of raiding)), ilvl requirement out of my reach (usually around 865 (I'm 860)), or they're looking for RDPS/healers, which are in high demand nowadays. [/complain]

anways, leveling a holy/shadow priest whenever I'm not lurking premade groups. at level 92. both specs are pretty enjoyable (fuck discipline). might faction change on my priest once I cap so I can see if there are any decent raiding guilds on horde, due to me having no idea what the guild scene is over there. I know the #1 guild in my server is on alliance, had a healer who raided with my old guild who was in it due to him being friends with our off tank.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
For leveling, Cons legion is pretty awesome
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!