Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Name: Oaky
Skill rating out of 10 (in your opinion): offensive 7/10 | defensive 10/10
Current clan: Evil
Age: 22

As a part of the MAKE TAEKKYON GREAT AGAIN movement, I think I should be part of this organisation too (evontho its pretty much dead)

Include 3 replays of you playing (Recommended but not needed):
Attached Files
porn.rpl (74.6 KB, 5 views)
tk punch.rpl (50.0 KB, 5 views)
weeee.rpl (71.8 KB, 4 views)
evil Führer of Evil
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
Name: Oaky
Skill rating out of 10 (in your opinion): offensive 7/10 | defensive 10/10
Current clan: Evil
Age: 22

As a part of the MAKE TAEKKYON GREAT AGAIN movement, I think I should be part of this organisation too (evontho its pretty much dead)

Include 3 replays of you playing (Recommended but not needed):

Hello dear oaky! Your playstyle is pretty cool and fun to play with, but still, those replays you included are not one of these we're looking for and to say "as a part of make taekkyon great again" is just a compliment to yourself to highligth yourself.. anyways i know that you're a great tk player who stays strong by tk... accepted

also, never give yourself 10 out of 10 points, that will make you overrate yourself/weaker than other players.
You'll get better if you accept it and it wont stop getting better if you do, you're a nice guy, take it easy! This is only a little tip if you wanna grow
Last edited by BlueEvil; Jan 13, 2017 at 02:15 PM.

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
Guys please, this is on the OP
Originally Posted by erth
1 thing we need to get clear, we don't accept people based on skill.
If you love taekkyon, we love you.

(unless its about the MTGA)
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

Sorry, i didn't want to sound like i only wanna brag.
I am really proud of my tk skills though and im clearly not the only one i would give a 10/10.
(I mean why putting a scale from 0-10 if 10 is taboo)

Don't confuse my pride with over-confidence though.
Teakkyon is a mod with incredible depth and there will be always room for improvement.

I don't expect you to agree with that. I already realized that we are two very different personalities.
If you have to keep modest to improve, please do. In my opinion you are a 10/10 player, too, and having a little pride in that won't hurt you.
evil Führer of Evil
Name: xikukawaii
Real name: None of your business (just call me none)
Skill rating out of 10 (in your opinion): 3
Current clan: None
Age: 15
If anyone has invited you, state them here: Not necassarily invited but told this place still exists by Risrullarn

I'm new to taekkyon. I do study some martial arts IRL. I am not comfortable with putting my personal information up here but I would really like to join.
Attached Files
taekkyon-kick-opener.rpl (13.8 KB, 3 views)
taekkyon-grab-kick.rpl (11.1 KB, 3 views)
dismemberment-taekkyon.rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
taekkyon-scissor-kick-grab.rpl (11.0 KB, 2 views)
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post

Sorry, i didn't want to sound like i only wanna brag.
I am really proud of my tk skills though and im clearly not the only one i would give a 10/10.
(I mean why putting a scale from 0-10 if 10 is taboo)

Don't confuse my pride with over-confidence though.
Teakkyon is a mod with incredible depth and there will be always room for improvement.

I don't expect you to agree with that. I already realized that we are two very different personalities.
If you have to keep modest to improve, please do. In my opinion you are a 10/10 player, too, and having a little pride in that won't hurt you.

Hey thats a good thing that you're proud of yourself, thats totally ok!
didnt mean that either, i dont wanted it to sound it like it did, i was kinda drunk and mad sorry about that! Not a good role model... I more wanted to say you that it will keep you getting better, no matter how good you are, but if you give yourself the total how do you wanna get better as the max. thats what i ment!

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
Name: Chara
Real name: Dylan
Skill rating out of 10: 9-10
Current clan: none
Age: 14
If anyone has invited you state them here: well trip told me about it
(I'm on mobile I can add replays later if needed
Plottin' on me! They're plottin' on me!
DropKick | R.I.P. [JollyR] | [RelaxAll]