Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i hav vista i have the worldbuilder mod program but i dont no how do use it (open it)
~justinw125 ĞAWESOME
well you load worldbuilder with Setup>Scripts in toribash but there used to be this bug where the last script, alphabetically, would get knocked off the list. So.. since worldbuilder starts with a "w" it is alphabetically the last script that would come up. To fix this some people have put a file in C: /Games/ToribashX.XX/data/script/ called "zzz.lua" making that the alphabetically last file that would show up in scripts, thus making worldbuilder visible.. zzz.lua doesn't have to have anything in it.
/set gr 0 0 -30
I'd like some help with a modding concept-

I'm simply trying my hand at modding right now, attempting to make even one working mod. I just want to make a mod where both players start with a simple sword that's pointing away from the other (back-handed grip). I don't care if this has already been made, I'm trying to make it just to see if I can. I'm using the worldbuilder.lua that came with toribash - this is what most people use, right?

I'm having a problem with my swords in that they fall apart- the handle disconnects from the hand guard and the blade. I've searched the forum some, and found to combine objects you need to code in "joints". I read that this information can be found in the toribash wiki, but it seems that the wiki has been down for a long time and so I can't find the information I need.

I found this by looking at the katana mod;

env_obj_joint 1 1 2
axis 0 1 0
range 0 0

env_obj_joint 2 2 3
axis 0 1 0
range 0 0

env_obj_joint 3 1 3

env_obj_joint 4 4 5
axis 0 1 0
range 0 0

env_obj_joint 5 5 6
axis 0 1 0
range 0 0

env_obj_joint 6 4 6

...but I can't fully make sense out of it. If someone could explain this code, I'll be good to go. Also, any other en_obj_joint parameters would be nice to know.

Thank you in advance.
Last edited by aceoflight; Jul 20, 2009 at 09:38 PM.
Hmm wiki is down..

env_obj_joint 1 1 2
axis 0 1 0
range 0 0

okay, obj_joints, basically this is how it works;
1 1 2 means:
  • The First Number: The first object joint (so after this joint would be 2 then 3 etc)
  • The Second Number: This is the first environment object you want to connect, in this case 1 (object 1 as exported in worldbuilder).
  • The Third Number: This is the environment object you want to connect your previous stated object to, in this case 2 (object 2 as exported in worldbuilder).

axis is the axis of rotation.. working on an i/o type of switch, so 0 0 0 is default as x-axis, 1 0 0 is x-axis, 0 1 0 is y-axis, and 0 0 1 is z-axis. Certain axis have more strength for the type of objects you're trying to meld together so play around with it.

range is how far the objects can rotate on the axis given.. so 0 0 is no range, 5 -5 is 360 degree range.. (don't ask me what the numbers are because I don't think they're radians.. and they're definitely not degrees :P) you'll just have to play with this if you use range (but for swords usually 0 0 works).

other things:
pos # # # - the exact position of the joint (X Y Z)
strength # - ?
visible 0/1 - turn visibility of the joint off/on (this is useful while building the mod, just remember to 0 it out so it looks clean when you submit it)

additional notes:
I don't really understand katana.tbm either.. there's no positioning for any of the joints.. and for some of the joints he put no data at all and it still works.. I like to put the exact positions of my joints because that's how I was taught but you can do whatever.
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Jul 23, 2009 at 01:37 AM.
/set gr 0 0 -30
Thank you very much! It's working now. Swords with a back-handed grip seem to be pretty unfriendly to the noob clap and noob scissors =D
Question for the Mod Team
Okay i want to create a new Multiplayer mod. Very similar to wushu. but TF are 25. i calls it muy thai

Also I was wonderin, is there anyway to make certain joints stronger (elbows and knees)

but not stronger in the sense that they go faster. stronger in like hands and feet.

Muay Thai is referred to as "The Art of Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows, and knees are all used extensively in this art. A practitioner of Muay Thai ("nak muay") thus has the ability to execute strikes using eight "points of contact," as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (fists, feet) used in the primarily sport-oriented forms of martial arts.
sounds pretty cool. im not on mod team but it should get approved... not as a official server but a mod u can use in a private server.
Originally Posted by sluthead View Post
Okay i want to create a new Multiplayer mod. Very similar to wushu. but TF are 25. i calls it muy thai

Also I was wonderin, is there anyway to make certain joints stronger (elbows and knees)

but not stronger in the sense that they go faster. stronger in like hands and feet.

Muay Thai is referred to as "The Art of Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows, and knees are all used extensively in this art. A practitioner of Muay Thai ("nak muay") thus has the ability to execute strikes using eight "points of contact," as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (fists, feet) used in the primarily sport-oriented forms of martial arts.

You could increase the dismemeberthreshold, effectively increasing the threshold at which joints brake for both players..

Edit: Disregard the last portion if you read it >.> I don't think there's any way to strengthen an individual joint (yet).
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Aug 1, 2009 at 10:57 PM.
/set gr 0 0 -30