I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash

things are gonna start to get a whole lot more nazi around here
event squad - event artist
need help? pm me.
village idiot
imagine hikou getting an invite to tll discord before me :^(

also if i'm in there all ima do is @ duck and tell him he big idiot dummy and then gnome the entire discord
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
imagine hikou getting an invite to tll discord before me :^(

also if i'm in there all ima do is @ duck and tell him he big idiot dummy and then gnome the entire discord

Sounds like the perfect reason to invite you
okok i will literally re-download discord for this renowned achievement
Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
imagine hikou getting an invite to tll discord before me :^(

stupif hater!! -_—
Last edited by Hikou; Jan 29, 2019 at 01:55 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump