Cho got nothing on dr.mundo with warmog/Force of nature/Visage combo.
I mean that guy who used dr.mundo fails at his build by that level i be tanking the main turret.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm perfectly aware of the fact it does true damage. 500 true damage though is only by late game without any AP. Level 6, it's only around 300, even with the amount of AP somebody has at that point its only around 350. LB's ult does significantly more damage at level 6. And lb doesn't need to prioritize tankiness, so she will always deal more damage with her ult than cho until the enemy properly itemizes.

And even then, you can counter true damage with pure health. It's not like true damage is some unstoppable, game breaking mechanic, all though it certainly is a pain in the butt.

Leblanc does magic damage, so it can be countered by some mr, which your lane partner will probably have. True damage is true damage. Chogath is so good because he can build quite tanky, and still do decent damage. Like Irelia, but ap.
Shaco is so OP.
I kept getting counter jungled at my own buffs by an Olaf, Skarner and tristana.

Had died around 4 times early game. Was getting mad but just kept farming.
Rushed an inf edge and could take down anyone with a couple of hits. No matter how fed they were.

What the fuck

Also, playing Fiora passively seems to work better 9 times out of 10.
All aggressive Fioras I've seen have been shut down so fast.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Shaco is so OP.
I kept getting counter jungled at my own buffs by an Olaf, Skarner and tristana.

Had died around 4 times early game. Was getting mad but just kept farming.
Rushed an inf edge and could take down anyone with a couple of hits. No matter how fed they were.

What the fuck

Also, playing Fiora passively seems to work better 9 times out of 10.
All aggressive Fioras I've seen have been shut down so fast.

They mustve had horrible items or farm if you did that after getting so crushed early game

ive seen fiora a couple times, some fiora player said she sucks and regrets buying her while i think shes very strong overall.

Btw, ive been experiencing a bit of mouse delay lately in lol for no reason, ever happened to anyone?
Last edited by Kat; Mar 2, 2012 at 11:20 AM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
They mustve had horrible items or farm if you did that after getting so crushed early game

ive seen fiora a couple times, some fiora player said she sucks and regrets buying her while i think shes very strong overall.

Btw, ive been experiencing a bit of mouse delay lately in lol for no reason, ever happened to anyone?

They were all doing their jobs.
Jungle, Tank, Support, AD Carry, AP Carry.
All with corresponding builds.

I just feared them with the OP little boxes and critted them to death.

Yeah, Fiora is very good if played right. As I said, passive Fiora players tend to get a lot more kills than aggressive ones. Because she's very susceptible to cc, and has no escape route. Even with merc's.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
I completely disagree Uric. I was Support Orianna with IBloodyI as Fiora and all we did was push the lane and we completely raped, he went 20/2/4 and I went 2/2/21 and the rest of our team did meh 7/9, 6/9, 5/15. We just killed the Lee Sin that was ganking us. I mean as long as you're not stupid you can just run away from death as fiora. Enemy wasn't even bad, they just underestimated us at the start and we snowballed like fuck. I ended up being stronger than the mid Orianna even though my only AP item was a Rod of Ages.
Last edited by Hippybob; Mar 2, 2012 at 12:21 PM.
unless shaco snowballs, he is bad.

Shaco snowballs easy thus he is OP

You dont farm as a shaco, ganking is more important IMO.
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Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Leblanc does magic damage, so it can be countered by some mr, which your lane partner will probably have. True damage is true damage. Chogath is so good because he can build quite tanky, and still do decent damage. Like Irelia, but ap.

Top lane is where cho usually is, unless he's jungling. Top lane tends to build tanky dps. Top lane naturally will get health. Top lane has now built against true damage. True damage CAN be itemized against, it's just not as an effective counter as armor or mr is to ad or ap.

And besides, cho having damage while being tanky is the whole point of cho... arguing that he needs reduced damage because he can deal damage while still being tanky would then bring into question several tanks capabilities of being tanky while still performing good damage. Singed can be virtually impossible to die and still wreck havoc with his q and fling. Amumu if left unchecked can perform horrendous damage with despair. Malphite can fuck up single targets easily. Rammus can fuck up the whole team easily. Shen can fuck up the whole team easily. The only difference between these tanks and cho is that cho's damage is all burst. Everybody else has aoe dot, which is much more damage in the long run, or just plain dot, which causes a tank to be a constant threat.
nyan :3
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@Akuma: After the ganking phase, all you do is farm and constantly steal enemy buffs and dragon.

Because even if your team is bad, dragon will give them enough money for them to be able to be stronger.
But that is after, he said he was only farming for the infinity and infinity is a rush item meaning it was on lane phase.
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