Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
Yall fellers better get to steppin

I dun warn-hehuehehheheueueheuehhueheueheueheueheueheueueh

I've been cunsoomed by da fckin cancer kkkkkkkk huehuehuehuehuehuehejehehh

I didn't even read what you said...
I just looked at your avatar and the "huehuehue kkkkkkk" and thought to myself, "What has evil come to?".
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
I didn't even read what you said...
I just looked at your avatar and the "huehuehue kkkkkkk" and thought to myself, "What has evil come to?".

I normally ask that about my life.... heuheuheuehueheue

Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
Yall fellers better get to steppin

I dun warn-hehuehehheheueueheuehhueheueheueheueheueheueueh

I've been cunsoomed by da fckin cancer kkkkkkkk huehuehuehuehuehuehejehehh

I haven't "cunsoomed" you though... not yet at least

Originally Posted by Whale View Post
yo shit i got accepted to the high school i wanted damn it feels good

congratulations whale!!
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
Originally Posted by Damano1 View Post
I normally ask that about my life.... heuheuheuehueheue

I haven't "cunsoomed" you though... not yet at least

congratulations whale!!

Good job whale. Im going to start applying to colleges soon, so wish me luck on that as well. c: good luck to you in your future endeavors.
I am evil.
Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
I am now casnian bombardoneedon overlord

Fucking worship me before I wipe you cunts from existence. I'll have you know I am a relentless mercenary and won't stop until I get you little bitches. I can kill you in 200 ways with just my fucking bare fucking hands, you little shits. I am one of the top killers to every live and if I see one of you cunts you better hope I have a fucking gun because if I don't your fucking deaths will be slow and painful as I rip you to shreds piece by piece. You think you can kill me in csgo and teabag me? Think again. I will find one of you motherfuckers and torment you with my foot up your fucking ass m8. YOU WILL REGRET EVER TEABAGGING ME.

I'm proud of this post.
Originally Posted by drone36 View Post
Good job whale. Im going to start applying to colleges soon, so wish me luck on that as well. c: good luck to you in your future endeavors.

good luck man, you'll do well
oh and can someone pm me the private board pass? i deleted browser history because of uh... certain things and i think it also resets the cookie or something
I'm gonna be a bit inactive on everything now; since most of where I chill is on Skype.
I've got my (basically finals in America) GCSEs for Science a year early, Biology tomorrow, Chemistry Thursday and Physics Wednesday.
I'll be back on once those are done, but I need to do shit loads of revision followed by exams, followed by revision followed by exams. Then I can go back to making people homophobic on the Skype.