Woo someone else watched it I missed half of it, so i dont know who "won" .
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
Omg I got 700 posts I happy.
Can't wait for forumite though, I hate senior member already.
kill u shod toats join my fan club am I right haha ah he e
Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
Omg I got 700 posts I happy.
Can't wait for forumite though, I hate senior member already.

same idk i want to be a chaterbox or forumite either one is fine with me
Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
Yeah, I like ub3r better than them all.

yea i think so but idk i dont really care to much im fine with senior member
Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
Yeah, and I'm planning on getting a demonic or ninja set once I get a full set.

i would go ninja just me thou go for what makes you happy mabe tribal
Originally Posted by tylercoon View Post
Idk about tribal, idk if it's my style..

K then I would go for ninja if not get a custom samurai set something unique u know