I guess so. Eloquence is right though. I know you guys are nice guys, but we need something to be more sure of you. Something like saying you'll be an active ally and meaning it and giving some good advice, cheering up the other members and such.

Other than that, I'd say yes.
the goblin
Originally Posted by Eloquence View Post
But this should all me taken care of in the recruitment thread.

I'm sorry, I went through the first post, and I also clicked the link to the recruitment thread, but I wasn't quite sure if that was the appropriate place to apply for allies. I assumed that it was only meant for member recruitment.
Thank you for letting me know though. [:
Also, thanks, Tama, for accepting [-Regret].

(I'm new to this co-leader stuff and I'm trying to be more leader-like)
Awks, I thought you were applying to be a member. My bad. That can be taken care of in this thread, and again, you have my yes

Anyone else but Muse check out my reading list?
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Happy birthday, Tamakuu! Best of luck in everything you do!

Leo and Satan ftw.
I play games and lift weights.
I know right.

It's too bad that OneyNG can't work on it as much. It's a fantastic series so far.
the goblin

Did you hear about eddsworld? The creator, Edd Gould died of leukemia, but the series will carry on. TomSka and the others are going to continue it.

Pretty sad, huh?
I play games and lift weights.
Yeah, I literally cried when I heard that. Edd was the one that got me into the animation world.

TomSka's pretty boss though. Love that guy. Handsome for a non-asian <3.
the goblin