We discuss on the private board, and worldeater, don't vote here, you're still a trial member, you'll be bumped up soon
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Originally Posted by Rajere View Post
So PlataBear how do you feel about my APP?

No offense man. But uh.. Stop asking that, it makes you look like you don't have patience because you keep asking how someone feels about your app.
Hello, my name is DeakManiac and I would like to apply to Obey. I am 18 years old and very dedicated to a clan that I am in. I am somewhat decent at doing videos and just starting on making textures so yea. My real name is RJ and I am a custom belt. I been playing Toribash since 2008. I like to hang out with my girl and chat on skype, and my skype btw is: lil_rj1994, feel free to add me anyone! Ok, now I woud like to state more about myself:
I currently live on my own, and my girl which is my Fiance goes to college and only comes over on weekends, I am stuck with her now because she got into a fight and can't go back to the campus for a week. :S. Ok, I know my grammar sucks but I do try my best to fill out a nice app and it's outstanding on how it comes out. Pretty sad how my own language is English. I like to play football and video games and used to be a CoD fanatic. I am 6 ft 3, and weight 174 lbs. My GMT is -7

Reason why you want to join obey?:
Because I have tons of friends in it, and Tim is just a badass mother fucker! Nah, just kidding but for real, I do have tons of friends in this clan. I would like to join not for the tag, but to be with the family, I could give 2 shits about the dang tag :P. Anyway, to continue on this massive ass long application, I shall speak in the terms of my past clans to verify what clans I been in.

My past clans are:
Saints-Leader and it got shut down
TBMC, turned to Saints, then to Province, and lasted for about 5 months and I was the leader
Legendary, SPIN, and Obey are the only 3 clans I been in that was not a leader of.
I understand that I am hated but still, everyone can change and deserves a chance to redeem themselves, am I right? I hope my app shows that I really want to join and if I do I will throw us a party like no tomorrow and make this clan jump off their feet for exciement!

I started toribash back in 2008 as Noobie212, I then started making alts in 2009 and then Destinypower became my new main until it got banned. I then resorted back to noobie212 and got it to Master Belt @ Feb of 2010, sold it in March and then quit toribash. I came back in 2012 after begging Hampa to unban one of my alts which was OptiuMaX and then went stupid and made a fake girl account called SchVannia and trolled the whole community like a dumb ass. The past is the past though, and I am a changed person! I like to sit back and have fun ingame and enjoy myself with the members. I also like to chat about random shit and just have fun with laughs and giggles. that's just me :P. I also like to freestyle even though people say I cannot freestyle.
Here is a example of my rap artwork, the splendid view of it all!:

you cried to your mom saying "rj is a white boy and he beat me in a rap" well damnit son I told you was just all crap. That's just sad man why you do me like this? This is just funny it's a fucking damn diss. This is what it is, and I aint repeating it again, so SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT IN THAT FUCKING GOD DAMN VAN!. Yea that's just about all I got to say, a stupid ass bitch who acts all gay. A stupid mother fucker who can't take shit away, a stupid ass cunt who looks the other way. Get off my jock, I am the incredible hulk, I smash you into the pavement and turn you into chalk. Grab a glock and kill you on the spot. I ain't no MGK, nor a Mac Miller, Just a natural born killer I grab my glock sitting on the table, pull in the lot and hold up the label. Record companys dig my shit i told you mother fucker Im to legit. You challenged me in a way you would lose, but you thought you had it well bo ho. You are a joke, a patheticl ife form a fucking no good bitch who aint worth dyin for

As I said, I am good at rapping . I do not call myself eminem, mgk, mac miller because I am none of those people. I am just a underground white boy rapper rapping for the hell of it and for the fun of it and could say for attention.. SIKE, but still I hope I join this clan because Obey is just badass and is #1 so please go over my app and take it to the heart of how beautiful this application was!

Also, picture of my kitty:


Ah right, I need to post replays. Hmm, I got some :3
CNC those replays aswell :3
also, rated this thead a 5 out of 5.

/me did this app for a example of a Grade A app.
Originally Posted by Rajere View Post
I was in [RXP](Risen Phoenix), [Mavrik], [Otaku], and [Marines], I left RXP because it was dying and I started to realize how nooby of a clan it was, (it is completely dead now), I left Mavrik because there were never any members on except for the leader, and I felt neglected in Otaku because of never being able to participate in clan activities, and I left Marines because of alot of reasons, Im glad I left. If you know the leader well (DeakManiac) you would leave as well. He keeps talking about quitting TB everytime he loses alot of TC, yet always comes back. Yet the 5th time when I was in the clan, he said he was leaving because of losing a bet or something, and he gives someone else leader of the clan, just someone random, he took absolutely no consideration or thought into who was giving power. Then he told everyone he would quit TB overall. The next day he says he is just going to quit TB in-game, but is still going to be forum active, then the next day he is playing in-game and is on the forums. So he lied plenty to us. The other reason is because of the lack of maturity of the clan members. There is this one certain member who've I've always had problems with in the clan, he was so immature and annoying. He had many outbursts and temper tantrums over little things, and likes to brag a lot (not that it had anything to do with me being jealous). I'm pretty sure that is a good excuse to leave a clan, but also Deak has been applying for his clan to get official multiple times, and he tried recently less than a week ago and he got rejected with a very accurate description of how horrible of a leader he was, and how immature the members were (how they argue and never seem to cooperate in-game) from Fish I believe, it was one of the moderators but I cannot remember. So yeah, those were my previous clans and why I left them.

Also, left? LOL We kicked you from the clan stop spreading this lie about you leaving. You was a shit talker, and I told you SOOOOO many times not to shit talk to other members and my clan EVEN other members not even in Marines came to me and told me you constantly harrased people and then I kicked you and now you are saying you left? Stop the damn lies. Also, you are stupid because you can only apply for offical on your 3rd week, and YOUR name was one of the names that caused us not to be offical. YOU was one of the main immature people in the clan. YOU constantly talked shit. Also, we have not applied yet because the clan needs to be worked on still so shut the fuck up already and again. STOP WITH THE DAMN LIES
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Last edited by Noobie; Apr 22, 2013 at 01:47 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
I was bored so I asked Tim if I could do a application for obey and he said sure so I just wasted time doing a app for one of the best clans in TB
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
My username Utaniam Boom invite me
Best App ever *-*
Last edited by utaniam; Apr 22, 2013 at 04:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong