I DID NOT RAGE QUIT YOU MOTHER**** [xD] BUT my connection got lost i wanted to fight but this **** connection doesn't work!

Both Reported abusing in others desc
Last edited by WARMAN2011; Nov 3, 2011 at 06:50 PM.
Very Nice
warman and slanesh... im not being rude but please fight or argue somewhere else.... i think both of ur posts are considered as spamming....
argue somewhere else please.... people dont want to be involve with this.... thank you

and warman.... if ur telling him that ur right act normal... dont be pissed
anyways do we have art fot ground texture? i meant the theme is about our clan
Last edited by rjayquin; Nov 3, 2011 at 07:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
B I T C H D O N ' T K I L L M Y V I B E
Warman i don't fucking care if your connection got lost. Go rematch them it will rank us up and make them happy. So go fucking do it. Now. ........................... End of discussion.
If nobody's perfect and I'm a nobody, does that make me perfect?
Are you guys serious? Go war them. Now. I agree with gabe. But I'm going to be harsh. Go and war them Or I'll permanently kick you from the clan. That and I'll add you to the clan hate list, when I make it.

Now, as for the video, I don't understand what's taking him so long in the first place. Either he's really having a hard time, or he's procrastinating. Let's hope he get's it done, cause I'm getting impatient. Very... Very impatient.
the goblin