Hey guys.The Clan is looking good.Cool name 2.Anyway I will probably become the co-ldr of this clan because is was the co-leader of R.E.M(RapidEyeMovement)and Blackdemon is like my best friend(In real life) .Anyway Ico0n,You should join the "we hate ownya club"
Well,yeah,good luck on that.

I am not sure if you'll get to be the co-ldr but anyways.
I play games and lift weights.
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Are you angry african?
and raise your post count

Don't tell me what to do .Anyway,yeah I am.God aswell.Got banned for a "Irrelivant" reason.
O and humper,I will.Promise :P.How did you guys get the TAGS?
Last edited by Etymology; Jul 30, 2011 at 08:15 PM.
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Gives alot of work, to explain, so i rather post the link.

O ok.Thats cool that they did that.How do you fair Ico0n?What in the name of cake happend to R.E.M?
Meh they were inactive,noobs, no respect some of them started to leave.
So me and demon decided to start a new clan noob free.
And see where that taked us.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Meh they were inactive,noobs, no respect some of them started to leave.
So me and demon decided to start a new clan noob free.
And see where that taked us.

Looks like you have discoverd the link bar.I do renember you always asked for premotions.You still doing that?

Edit:Is it possible that you can invite me?
Last edited by Etymology; Jul 30, 2011 at 08:32 PM.