Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Age(optional): 14
What belt are you?: brown
Where do you want to improve?: judo
Favorite mods: aikido
Why do you want to join?: i was in this clan, i went out because i wanted to improve before enter in a clan and i did it so i want to enter again
im 12 years old,i live in kuwait,i got the blue belt,my FAV mods is akido & wush,i want to join to help my freinds at the clan.
Originally Posted by kareem98 View Post
يا أهلاً و سهلاً بكل الكويتية!!!
plz confirm that your joining!

but how to confirm the joining?شلون أتأكد من دخول العشيرة
how to confirm the joining?

edited: deleted unnecessary smileys. Please use less smileys in the future.
Last edited by AgentP; Feb 7, 2011 at 07:49 AM.
Just say "I confirm I'm joining". Anywho i'll send you an invite now.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
/me facepalms

I know i already sent you an invite, like i said in the other thread check your PM's.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Where do you live?(optional): North Russia
What belt are you?: White
Where do you want to improve?: Swords
Favorite mods: Swords
Why do you want to join? To improve my toriskills and meet new ppl)