the first kick could have more dismember if you would have aimed into his balls .p (yea oneeyed tongue smiley). the kick was slow and the last kick was ok. the replay could be more "fluid" and the hits more stronger :c Jtank, you need more practise to get back to your level that i recorded for the video!

to my replay:
yea, i didnt know how to name it
no, i cant madman uke while walkin on hands
Attached Files
%Aik a the dancer strikes again.rpl - The punch was really cool somehow, rest was um... average.

Felt like making a replay, opened up TB and made this :D I'm almost proud of myself because this doesn't suck balls.

I'm working on it now :D Managed to get a grab, maybe I'll make a cool continuation.
Changed it :D Before it was just first kick. Now it's a fucking perfect replay. Few boomish hits, crotchblock skeeting the head and awesome pose. Now I AM proud of myself :D Edit has same name as previous version, so the worse one shall be forgotten.
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!Outbroken.rpl (238.9 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by JtanK; Apr 5, 2010 at 02:01 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos






Made yet another replay, off an old opener (which I used to make very shitty replay, I didn't even publish it I think). It's not bad, kind of training for me :V
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!remade.rpl (230.9 KB, 13 views)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
i'm not much of a replay criticiser, since i like most of the things i see(lol) but i can try. :P
!outbroken: funny as you do very few moves and so many parts are dismembered, haha. it's quite a nice one, although it may look like its a bit too holded. epic overall

!remade: :o cool, not bad at all, don't have anything to say about this one but COOL
hey i got some replays too. they're not much, but i believe i'm getting better with time.
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Wolf's-SP-Hurricane.rpl (175.9 KB, 8 views)
shake shake - shaking the rust off :D
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Spin kick lulz.rpl (149.2 KB, 11 views)
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]
Wolf's-SP-Hurricane.rpl - It was not bad at all, but damn, Uke did alot of damage :P

Wolf's-SP-Rise and Fall to win.rpl - Way better imo ! Dunno what to criticize there :3

Spin kick lulz.rpl - Pretty much awesome. Nice clean hits but it looked a bit stiff here and there.

Also, I get an error if I try to add my replays, wtf.
yes I get that error too... and the search funtion on the main board and on the market is disabled... that sucks -.-
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]
made this for the [flawless] breakdance comp

sucks imo, made better when i still played :c
Attached Files
%Aik a bboy comp2 final2.rpl (564.5 KB, 18 views)