Originally Posted by Dadeichu View Post
Ddd, that is pretty nice. I will have to wait for the other entries to get in so we can judge.

ddd is no longer a member of the monastery.. so he wont be judged.
Holy crap... Theres been growth since I've been gone. Im trying to get a new hd for my computer... It failed on me. I hope to be on soon guys. For the new guys... Have fun with the clan.
Originally Posted by rcrichman View Post
HOLD UP ((((((do not read this if you have any of these simptoms, headaches or depression, you might fall asleep during this long text. which is also very confusing)))))))

Sorry if I get on and off at random times, I got a cool game for my PS3 and i can not stop playing it! But I reached a point in it where I suck, I have to sneak around, so thats going to keep me off a bit longer, after I finish the game, I shall come back more. Although I still will play tb and post. And next week I am going to a sports camp, well most of the summer... But I still will come one tb and forum after it, which is about 7:00 pm on GMT, or (4:00 in my time) Lastly since it is summer, I can stay up pretty late so around the time this message is sent out, see ya tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Have fun :P
Nother update, I am not going to sports camp next week, so I will be on more than i exected. Also, my birthday is coming up! (5 days after the clan event ends((July 9th is the b-day date)))
Hey guys im at singapore now and i just win a 14k decapprize :P and now i have vampire force and 256x256 head texture (kitteh)
i can donate it
Ive donate juryo force and a head texture
Last edited by Loona; Jun 27, 2014 at 04:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by B4CKST4B View Post
I really like how we actually got some really active members. Makes me want to cry, in a good way.

me too
I remember, at the beginning, when you joined.. we were two lonesome warriors.. and now we have a big monastery with many skilled monks..
proud tears!!!
I wish i can cry but im a man "sob sob" lol nice we make bbking and B4ckstab proud cheers for us
guys my alt loses 1.5k on a bet now have 0 tc
Last edited by Loona; Jun 27, 2014 at 05:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by tobreak View Post
I wish i can cry but im a man "sob sob" lol nice we make bbking and B4ckstab proud cheers for us
guys my alt loses 1.5k on a bet now have 0 tc

you should never bet with all your tc if you arent sure you will win..
its like poker.. you only go all in if you have royal flash, full house or a high street. but dont worry.. you will win some tourneys ;) hopefully
oh.. one thing: we have to use the IRC much more.
its a good way to stay in contact and it's a important
part to become offical. they will check IRC-activity..
so.. when you guys are ingame.. go IRC ;)
Last edited by BBKing; Jun 27, 2014 at 06:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump