Well some of us are in Oshi already so if they steal something from there it would be just stupid. if they take them from ormo... well you can tell, also xioi got into ormo so maybe he knows.
Again this would be solved by testing them ingame. And by their join date as well. If he joined in sep 2015 there is no way he spars/parkours like xioi for instance.

A deep research on the applicant would solve almost any problem.
There is one flaw....Many people have grew quickly to the game and also alts....They could have a brown belt joined November 7 or something well are we going to say their replays aren't legit?
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Well some of us are in Oshi already so if they steal something from there it would be just stupid. if they take them from ormo... well you can tell, also xioi got into ormo so maybe he knows.
Again this would be solved by testing them ingame. And by their join date as well. If he joined in sep 2015 there is no way he spars/parkours like xioi for instance.

A deep research on the applicant would solve almost any problem.

Good point, but what if they are high in belt, and stole a replay, we'd have to check every page and downloading replays, and if it turns out that they didn't steal a replay, we'd waste all our time for nothing
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What I meant is that we can recognize the style of the members of the org, for instance if I see a replay of alpha I can recognize its his.
I dont think there has been any replay stealer in this clan... Not at least that I can remember.

Well once again testing in game would be the easiest way to know if their replays are actually from them.

What you say about the join date Cata, it is dificult but not impossible yh.. we might face that.
Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
Why u dont use your mine account? Dont leave.

Enter here with you mone account or you dont want use never more your mine?

Because if you dont want use never more the mine and start with a alt, its okey.

That post is completely unintelligible
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
YES! Great idea Superseba, i agree strongly, this would make the forum alot better.

That post didn't help the discussion at all

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Mat: some of your attitudes right now are starting to piss me off, no what happened with gru but what happened in the recruitment. If you can’t be polite with those who are trying to join then I guess you won’t last much longer in here. You've better start changing your attitudes towards ppl.

About officialising: Yes we are too soft with the recruitment. Now let’s take a look on some clans which are hard to join, eVo? Its dying, Wapow? It’s close to die, Urban? Have you heard of them lately?
I do agree tho that we should be stricter with the recruits but I won’t take serious a person who is rude to applicants. We should state minimum requirements to join, i will let you guys discuss about that.

Do we have a topic? I don’t think so… maybe what the minimum requirements to join should be.

Lmao urban? I don't think they're even a clan anymore. But still, we should set the bars at least a tad bit more high, like minimum belt should be black or 2nd dan, exceptions can be made.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Mat: some of your attitudes right now are starting to piss me off, no what happened with gru but what happened in the recruitment. If you can’t be polite with those who are trying to join then I guess you won’t last much longer in here. You've better start changing your attitudes towards ppl.

Eh? Offense is taken, not given.
I was not being rude, I was saying that the guy's grammar in his app isn't on par as I would expect from a 17 year old.

That should clear things up, I didn't say 'fuck you get out of here' to him. I was just pointing out his mistakes. He didn't proofread his application.

Also, ray, since you've made a low quality post, I'll have to infract you.
Word count = 7
Minimum *as set by onsola recently* = 10 words
You now have 1 infraction point.
You can check your infractions here.

Also, tomorrow is my birthday!

Originally Posted by Arakata View Post
Ok. so, i think the min requirements should be:

* Black belt (If he/her have good skills, can join with Blue belt)
* Join date: minimum 2 months
* Age: is a very important thing in my opinion... ?
* Aikido & Taekkyon skills
* Reasonable english
* Be polite

Who agree?

Pretty good idea, it's well worked on, I agree with this, except for the last point, eh?
It sounds unnecessary, nobody is being too blunt or too offensive here.
Last edited by Oxide; Dec 10, 2015 at 03:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post

Do we have a topic? I don’t think so… maybe what the minimum requirements to join should be.

Ok. so, i think the min requirements should be:

* Black belt (If he/her have good skills, can join with Blue belt)
* Join date: minimum 2 months
* Age: is a very important thing in my opinion... ?
* Aikido & Taekkyon skills
* Reasonable english
* Be polite

Who agree?
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
I would change 2 things:
Aikido & Taekkyon/ replaymaking/ art making skills
About the polte thing, if any of you have bothered to read the firstpost in the recruitment thread its already said there `We value respect and tolerance above skill´

Ik you mat dont like that much tho.

Some time ago we made the minimum belt black and 25 posts something like that.
Also we should remove the app format, as some of you have said. I believe its time to do that as well.
We are reviving the recruitment team, It used to exist not long ago and they did they job, Voidexx was originally part of them. This time tho I will set the minimun requirements not only for the applicants but for the ones who want to recruit.
Okey, here is my last madman with the opener of Victortb.

Thanks you vic. I didn´t upload because i dont have internet for do.

CnC pls.
Attached Files
#[M] Bogaloo.rpl (265.4 KB, 3 views)
ok,the first hit was really ok,its just a pull-up,i do that sometimes to make uke get a bit far.
but the contracted leg was bad for realism,i guess you wold let it on relaxed.
the glute dm wasn't interesting at all,i guess wold be better if you have just tried to boom kick.
the grab boom was great,interesting now.
the knee was ready for a kick,and you miss it...
try to clean-hit some parts.

practice more.


on topic:
the idea of skill requeriments is good,but remember,as tried before,you all can try to test the guy that have done the app after recruited.but some people don't read rules or stuff.if an art or replay maker,just see if raywill or arakata can aprove him.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592