Originally Posted by PerfectBro View Post
How much would my set go for? Miku made it and he never makes sets. ;o

This sets supposed to be mine :c
Let me check the price....
Sets aren't bad, atleast they have retstriticed valuable.
The maker of sets also best artist.

Around 30-70k.
Not really.
I've just request a sets from his right now.
Approximately, he made about 7+ sets.
Kyle is right. I just talked to Miku few days ago. He's working on a set and you can see his art circulate around the art/textures thread quite frequently.
Last edited by iAwesome; Dec 26, 2013 at 06:26 PM.
Originally Posted by PerfectBro View Post
Let you guys know Miku made it. Kinda rare because he rarely makes sets.

He's a growing artist, not too that people know him, and the set is alright.
