Onsola, I might be inactive again because of exams, it will start next week, I failed my math exam and need to do better in the next exam, if I fail once more I might repeat my grade, I need to do better this exams see you for 2 weeks.

Well same ^^, exam week is coming up and im going to focus on exams first >\\< soz for inactivity
Alright Maruto take your time bro.

Guys, we need to make Trapcode come to here, like he bought Qi, that's bad, but he doesn't know what that was, maybe he's lying but idc either.
He has like 8 or 5 posts I forgot, maybe he's active, we need people who are active.

I will start a serious topic:

Do you think we should add active forum people who are bad in game/new on Toribash?
Onsola told me he wants forum activity, so why not new people who are active?
we should not be racist(with the belt), I've had friends that are high belt rank but they are not active in Forum. We would train this people, then they become more skilled, and I don't know then maybe should go because for a reason but we know they were trained in here.

What's your opinion guys?
Running away...
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Alright Maruto take your time bro.

Guys, we need to make Trapcode come to here, like he bought Qi, that's bad, but he doesn't know what that was, maybe he's lying but idc either.
He has like 8 or 5 posts I forgot, maybe he's active, we need people who are active.

I will start a serious topic:

Do you think we should add active forum people who are bad in game/new on Toribash?
Onsola told me he wants forum activity, so why not new people who are active?
we should not be racist(with the belt), I've had friends that are high belt rank but they are not active in Forum. We would train this people, then they become more skilled, and I don't know then maybe should go because for a reason but we know they were trained in here.

What's your opinion guys?

0k I get your point Superseba. But why would he buy something that he didn't know what it was I don't think he's serious that he didn't know what it was....He seems like he could be forum active. Hmmm good idea.
Well, you know I think that we can accept this kind of people if we want forum activity,
but if he's not good in game it's worse for us in wars (actually it's not coz we have other members) but as you said we can train them. We don't know if a noob which joins can
become good player or famous player. If you don't get me, I will give you example.
And the example is....SweeYollo. He joined our clan on other account. He was brown belt.
And then he left our clan.(He's still ally) but what I meant to tell you is that he was brown
belt guy and he wasn't unusual (I don't want to insult you swee if u are reading it but you know what I meant). Then he left and became better, more known etc. So that's it!

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
What Gru said Is basically the reason why I try to give everyone a try, I asked him to post a few replays to know with what we will face if he joined.
And since he has been playing for so little it would be really easy to teach him, and really soon he would be a good player, he would improve way faster than any of us, essentially because he would keep playing with that entusiasm that you have when you start in a new game.

Its true; right now we need forum active members, and if he has been playing for only 10 days and already have 6 posts he is in the right direction. However, I dont like accepting ppl who have been playing for so little because they arnt realy into the game yet and they might quit it soon, or clan hope (this has happened in the clan a few times).

About buying the tc: well when you are playing throw steam you usually tend to buy things only because they are in offert, like when I bough payday 2 with all dlcs for 20 $ usd (it costs 80 $ usd without the offert). I just asked him that since he doesnt have a win ratio. Without a win ratio I cant tell if he is good or bad, or if he noobashes.

Most ppl who have been here for a few months joined being kinda nooby, When Gru joined he was just a brown belt, and so when aka joined, now look at them; Gru is Godlike in wushu/mushu and aka has really got into replaymaking
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
What Gru said Is basically the reason why I try to give everyone a try, I asked him to post a few replays to know with what we will face if he joined.
And since he has been playing for so little it would be really easy to teach him, and really soon he would be a good player, he would improve way faster than any of us, essentially because he would keep playing with that enthusiasm* that you have when you start in a new game.

Its true; right now we need forum active members, and if he has been playing for only 10 days and already have 6 posts he is in the right direction. However, I dont like accepting ppl who have been playing for so little because they arnt realy into the game yet and they might quit it soon, or clan hope (this has happened in the clan a few times).

About buying the tc: well when you are playing throw steam you usually tend to buy things only because they are in offert, like when I bough payday 2 with all dlcs for 20 $ usd (it costs 80 $ usd without the offert). I just asked him that since he doesnt have a win ratio. Without a win ratio I cant tell if he is good or bad, or if he noobashes.

Most ppl who have been here for a few months joined being kinda nooby, When Gru joined he was just a brown belt, and so when aka joined, now look at them; Gru is Godlike in wushu/mushu and aka has really got into replaymaking

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Most ppl who have been here for a few months joined being kinda nooby, When Gru joined he was just a brown belt, and so when aka joined, now look at them; Gru is Godlike in wushu/mushu and aka has really got into replaymaking

Aaand what the fuck. I was left out on this as well. I joined when I was a blue belt, and look at me now, I'm worse than a white belt.
I mean, I've actually got better, at least on some level. Why am I always left out?

fuck eki btw.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
What Gru said Is basically the reason why I try to give everyone a try

Sounds like inexperience. Gynx mentioned this as a reason for not getting official.
Is this thing gonna be the same if and when we get official?
If so, I wouldn't like MAU to be official. We're too easy on applicants.
Also, the app format would have to change, and only freeform apps would have to be considered, since it shows loyalty.
thank you onsola.

yh, i agree
we need give everyone a try, because when i joined here, i was a really really noob player, and now i am a... yh, good player? normal? idk.

we need forum activity, yh, but we need people who have a bit of potential in game too. or if is easy to teach him, what you told. test the applicants in game / forum before invite

also, i can post only 1 or 2 times per day guys. sorry
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Most ppl who have been here for a few months joined being kinda nooby, When Gru joined he was just a brown belt, and so when aka joined, now look at them; Gru is Godlike in wushu/mushu and aka has really got into replaymaking

I was blue belt when I joined xD

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16