piegod, enemy team is full ad and it has a sivir with manamune, but gj finding the game fun althought some matchs in normal are gona suck.
i suggest hitting 300 wins and positive win loose before going ranked.

Today for example i have a leona support that didnt know how to support and was raging at me saying she had skill and i sucked when she was making tons of mistakes. Game ends and i find she only had 100 wins.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Oracle, you've clearly never played against a competent Fizz as an ap caster. He completely shuts them down. Generally, on characters like Brand or Xerath where that's just their bread and butter. But y'know what? They can't full rotation him. Any good Fizz can avoid a Xerath stun and/or ulti/poke, Lux laser, Leblanc nuke, Veigar ult, Brand ult AND harass, you name it.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by NoCheerios View Post
Oracle, you've clearly never played against a competent Fizz as an ap caster. He completely shuts them down. Generally, on characters like Brand or Xerath where that's just their bread and butter. But y'know what? They can't full rotation him. Any good Fizz can avoid a Xerath stun and/or ulti/poke, Lux laser, Leblanc nuke, Veigar ult, Brand ult AND harass, you name it.

Explain how fizz could dodge veigar's ult, absolutely no veigar with half a brain would cast his ult at random times, He just stuns you, and you dont know when = you dont know when to dodge(unless youre really fast or he doesn't know how to aim the circle), basically you get stunned, he unloads all his stuff on you, you die in 3 seconds.

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I find brand somewhat useless in mid.

Can you define "useless"?
im good at league
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Originally Posted by NoCheerios View Post
Oracle, you've clearly never played against a competent Fizz as an ap caster. He completely shuts them down. Generally, on characters like Brand or Xerath where that's just their bread and butter. But y'know what? They can't full rotation him. Any good Fizz can avoid a Xerath stun and/or ulti/poke, Lux laser, Leblanc nuke, Veigar ult, Brand ult AND harass, you name it.

You clearly never heard, but I play a competent Fizz. I know all the techniques that are commonly used by him, and I know EXACTLY how to counter them.

His E has a cd around 10 seconds early game ONLY IF PRIORITIZED, meaning it's probably actually closer to 20 since the average player maxes his W first, and it's his primary, and most effective, way of avoiding damage. Therefore, only the most stupid fizzes will use his E for an initiation. Therefore, as a melee, he has only two viable options to initiate a poke, Q and R. R only happens at level 6, so it's negligible at this point, though I will touch on it later. Q has a range that is smaller than ALMOST EVERY AP mid's poke. Already, by this logic, should you attempt to even get close to the enemy, he will just poke and back off, effectively wasting your time and health.

But what about the fact most AP mid's have skillshot pokes? This slight increase in difficulty to poke (going to assume that they aren't amazing at their shot, but at least hitting maybe 50% of the time on average, depending on the scenario upwards of 70-90% and down to about 0-30%) is offset by the fact most of them have CC added to that skillshot. And having played fizz quite often, I know perfectly well that fizz is a very nice squishy target when he get's stunned/silenced/snared/rooted/taunted. Also take into consideration, that you are basically dashing DIRECTLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TOWARDS AN ENEMY CHAMPION when you want to poke. Now take into consideration that common AP mids, such as Ahri, Morgana, Brand, Kennen, and so on, tend to have good CC skillshots. And you are dashing right at them. In a straight line. With nothing to intercept the shot. Good job, you're now snared/stunned/rooted/taunted etc. etc. right in front of an enemy champion that can now unleash hell on you.

But what about people that don't have such CC? Cass doesn't have hard CC until her ult for example, yet she's a strong mid pick. Surely, that means you should have an easy time against her right? WRONG. Congratulations, you've dashed her, she has an easy poison hit, and now you're eating twin fangs in a mad dash back to your turret because she outdamages you by far. Heimerdinger? Good job, you're eating turret shots and having microrockets shoved into every possible orifice. Malzahar? Good job, you're now eating malefic visions, and voidling hits. Kass, LB, even fucking Soraka. CONGRATUALTIONS, SILENCED SO YOU CAN'T E OUT AND THEY'RE RELEASING HELL ON YOU.

But your ult can initiate right? Do I really need to refute this, because there's a very logical, and OBVIOUS, reason that your ult isn't suddenly going to make you win your lane. Reason being, your opponent will have an ult by this time too :o who would have thought of that? You've ulted morgana? Lul gtfo bitch, ulted as well, eat tormented soil while I take absolutely no CC because I had black shield. Ulted kennen? Good job, lightning is everywhere and you're smack dab next to him. Ulted brand? This one isn't as obvious, but combined with the argument about how you need to close the gap to start doing damage, he'll just sear you to stun, then unleash hell when he lands back on the ground, assuming of course you even managed to hit him with your ult.

tl;dr: using the argument that I'm not considering the player to be a competent fizz doesn't override the fact that a competent player using any other AP mid has a significant advantage due to range, poking ability, and actual CC.
Last edited by Oracle; Feb 22, 2012 at 10:29 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
another win, im 7 2 on ranked lols (1408 elo)

Thesecret: fizz and kass on mid are hard to play,high ranked players ban them cause they are hard to deal with not because they are strong. A brand defeats kass easy because of his autoattacks for example. The problemme is that the noobs dont know about that.

boonana ap yi xO

Ap yi and glass cannon yi arent viable btw, bruiser yi on solo top is the best.
and you should have dfg and lichbane on that yi since you are dealing no dmg only cleanning.

nobody banns fizz. fizz is bullsh*t
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
i ment the kass, i also noticed but didnt felt like editting, i ma lazy.

also people forget that a good ranged ap will auto attack fizz every single time but for some reason people only think in powers.

autoattacking everytime you can = damage = win and fizz cant do much about that.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Feb 23, 2012 at 12:04 AM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
Explain how fizz could dodge veigar's ult, absolutely no veigar with half a brain would cast his ult at random times, He just stuns you, and you dont know when = you dont know when to dodge(unless youre really fast or he doesn't know how to aim the circle), basically you get stunned, he unloads all his stuff on you, you die in 3 seconds.

Can you define "useless"?

Everytime i see a brand mid he gets shutdown. Junglers seem to hatebbrand.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Fizz doesn't need to poke and shouldn't. Fizz should burst when the opportunity is given.

Kind of lol'd. This situation is easily avoidable, by waiting until they blow there cc at you and miss then strike; or by easily staying behind minions and once they get close burst away. (never initiate with e btw)

Fizz outdamages cassieopia and she can't wreck you on your way back to your tower because you've ran behind your minions (easier to do because of passive) and you e'd away. And im pretty sure that silences only last a second or two, and that using bushes and stuff like that really helps. Plus if your really having trouble mercurys are always an option. p.s. you can dodge LB's silence with your E.

Lol, but it does, the 70% slow with the knock up and crazy damage ontop of your burst. That should be a K.O. right there (take ignite btw).

Morg doesn't have enough damage output to actually put you down, shell cc and run after you've bursted her. A 1 second stun wont do much because after you burst most've your damage is over time. Are you on NA?.

1) Fizz does need to poke, as your burst is atrocious in the lane phase until your ult, and even then it's easily avoidable. If you rely on burst to get lane dominance, you'll lose to any mid that takes advantage of this and just harasses you to the point where you can't risk going in for any sort of burst without being certain of a very swift and humiliating death from their own counter burst.

2) I mentioned you never initiate with e, but you seem to be ignoring the fact that THEY ARE RANGED AND YOU ARE MELEE. They WILL harass you regardless if you harass them because they have range and you do not. You can stay behind your minions all game to avoid their harass and they won't give a single fuck because that just means they get free farm at mid while you starve because you can't leave the safety of your minions to get your farm without risking harass.

3) You clearly don't know how cass works. Nobody gives a fuck if you're behind minions if they're cass because her skillshots (and there are only 2 in the early game) ALL are aoe moves that are not projectiles. And if she so much as lands one of them you'll get hit with so many twin fangs that you'll be forced to back off or E to avoid the damage. Why? Because twin fangs is NOT a skillshot. It's an autohit spell that does massive damage with a horrendously low cd if she hits you with it while you're poisoned. Which she will land if you're trying to hide behind minions because they can't block them.

You're in mid, running to bushes to avoid abilities is a huge waste of your time, exp, and gold, and the enemy mid will just love it if you decide to run to them at every moment.

You've been silenced for 1 to 2 seconds. You cannot get out of their range now for a good 1 to 2 seconds. They have all the free hits in the world during this time. You will not want to be there after those 1 to 2 seconds are up. You will E away. They will laugh as their silence has a lower cd than your E. GG, you can't attack now for another 20 seconds, so they can zone you easily.

LB's silence has a fourth of the cd E does. GG, you've avoided the first one, now eat the next 3 should choose to stay.

4 & 5) Congratulations, you just contradicted your own argument with another statement. Slow + burst means instant K.O. on the enemy? Yet their burst + stun does not mean an instant K.O. on you? Considering they've just harassed you all game at that point, they have more gold than you, hit level 6 first, and have total lane dominance? Right. And using the morgana example, congratulations, she took no slow and significantly reduced burst from your ult because of her black shield. She now instantly locks you down should you try to get near, or just heals back up because of her passive, because you can't do jack shit without your ult according to your argument.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games