Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
Sweet looking rig spartan. How much did that cost?

Originally Posted by Goat View Post
Probs over $1000. it's a ridiculous system (in a good way).

I sunk $1200 into the tower, but she runs like a dream (75 fps constant, max quality on most games). I paid for most of it doing some subcontracted engineering CAD and the rest with my normal income. I have a feeling I'll be giving/selling it to my gf in a couple years and building another one once I start making some real money. The case is excellent, every interior wall is sound proofed so you can't even tell when it's on.

I really should see how TB runs, maybe play a few rounds...
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Jesus View Post
yo can i just stick around post every once in a while?

No, you were kicked out. This thread is only meant for members of evil and allies.
Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
Yoooooo my man Spartan is back in the game baby.
There are many gaming PCs that cost about a couple hundred dollars but run as if they we're 2k PCs.
1.2k might not seem like a lot to you but that is a lot considering there are $500 PCs out there that can run the same.

Mind enlightening me? Don't think you could put together a PC with new, non-refurb parts that would stress test anywhere near mine for a couple hundred...You might be able keep up on some games, but I need the raw power for work (renders/simulations/large assemblies). Plus I put emphasis on build quality, you're not saving much if you have to replace everything when it burns out a year later!

Maybe I should've just gotten an alienware laptop /s
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
I'm waiting for my graphics card to come in the mail right now, my old one failed me. Hopefully it gets here soon because I'm tired of using my backup from 2004.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me