Endurance Onslaught 6.0
another win, im 7 2 on ranked lols (1408 elo)

Thesecret: fizz and kass on mid are hard to play,high ranked players ban them cause they are hard to deal with not because they are strong. A brand defeats kass easy because of his autoattacks for example. The problemme is that the noobs dont know about that.

boonana ap yi xO

Ap yi and glass cannon yi arent viable btw, bruiser yi on solo top is the best.
and you should have dfg and lichbane on that yi since you are dealing no dmg only cleanning.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Feb 21, 2012 at 10:43 PM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
except brand is ranged and is going to auto attac him every single time so fizz will loose all trades

brand is an example because almost all aps are ranged.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
another win, im 7 2 on ranked lols (1408 elo)

Thesecret: fizz and kass on mid are hard to play,high ranked players ban them cause they are hard to deal with not because they are strong. A brand defeats kass easy because of his autoattacks for example. The problemme is that the noobs dont know about that.

boonana ap yi xO

Ap yi and glass cannon yi arent viable btw, bruiser yi on solo top is the best.
and you should have dfg and lichbane on that yi since you are dealing no dmg only cleanning.

AP Yi can tank all the things, Heal, Nuke. l2play d00d.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
except all fizz has to do is stay back
and when brand gets near he can just r-w-q ignite e if chasing

Because brand is just gonna waltz right up.

No, Fizz is a pretty subpar mid. He's much better as a solo top. You have to be paired against the biggest derps in existence if they have a ranged ap mid and they manage to lose in harass.

And your argument requires you to use your ult at every conceivable moment. Which you can't do. So it's a pretty ridiculous argument.
nyan :3
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