This is the most definite YES evar!

EDIT: To 3vi1 that is. I don't have an opinion on Tranori and I'm unshure about illkickyourass.
Last edited by CMon; Apr 2, 2008 at 10:19 PM.
I agree with ManBreakfast on Tranori and illkickyourass, to illkickyourass: talk to MBK if you can keep that up and I agree with the general consensus on 3vil, he is nice to me and has high belt level...and dosn't afraid of anything...
I am me.

Originally Posted by WarHero
<War> freedom is lame

Okay, to be serious, who wouldn't vote a yes on 3vi1?

He is a totally perfect contender.

Pleeeaaase let him join MBK, put him on the roster... erm, roaster...
I have quit. Goodbye all.
ManBreakfast's been busy, I'll get him to do it today if I can :]
I am me.

Originally Posted by WarHero
<War> freedom is lame

Long time no see !
i'm in a boarding school, so i can't use forums during the week. hehe
Thank you very much MBK !
so i'm know a true CBK member? with the "[CBK]" and all the stuff?
thanks you all !