Endurance Onslaught 6.0
yeah, RDevil, could you post some of your replays on the "[Hunters] Replays" thread, please?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
YAY a knew clan member And welcome to the great clan [hunters] RDevil you will have a great time here at hunters! Enjoy yourself!
yo dudez i just wanted to say this skillz88 account is now going to be inactive my new account is gravidude so i am still in hunters though lol
you are going to create a new person called "gravitude"?

and you won't use the skillz guy anymore?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
oh i will use him just not as often as i do now though but dont worry i will still be active on the hunters threads if thats okay?
Yeh thats fine, just don't let me catch "Grivdude" applying for other clans, as I won't be happy.
Name: WolverineWepX
Belt: Blue
Fav Mod: Taekkyon
Why u want join: I want to be part of a clan.
Best mod: Judo
Past clan(s): Judo Kings
Msn Or Yahoo: zxorath@yahoo.com

If i am accepted, please contact me by e-mail. Thanks! =)
Last edited by WolverineWepX; Aug 20, 2009 at 09:48 PM.
Member of the Hunters Clan
Join the Hunters, or be the Hunted
Tell us your GMT (if you don't know your GMT, tell me your country, and I'll figure it out)
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
My country is United States of America! =) And what does GMT mean/ Im kina new at this computer stuff.
Last edited by WolverineWepX; Aug 21, 2009 at 02:37 AM.
Member of the Hunters Clan
Join the Hunters, or be the Hunted