pretty good, I don't mind going there for the next 3-4 years for research purposes. The crowds are pretty exhausting but the atmosphere in Spodek makes up for it. Obviously, prices of drinks and food in the area are through the roof, so it's better to actually go out and wander around Katowice a bit to find yourself a decent place. I had fun, the matches I've seen (CS - 1 quarter, one semis and a half semi, and final; SC2 - one semi and final; plus a bunch of exhibition games in weird shit) were pretty intense (maybe except the second map of the CS final). The expo in the MCK building is also a good place to visit, but I tried to avoid it, too many teenagers trying to win/collect gaming items for my taste.

I stayed in Gliwice, which I would definately recommend - prices in Katowice are tripled during IEM, so you can save up a lot if spending additional 30 minutes in train is not an issue for you.

8/10, would recommend, it's better to go out with friends and have some fun, though (thanks owca for showing up :P)
Thank you than
Guys, another week till the exams
I have to get straight A's
Rescued my ass with a solid 100% in Physic btw. Never thought I could do that
@chirs: there you go, faeg

waterfall in your pants

@aika: well, good luck. I only have a couple to pass this time around and it's mostly boring/useless shit, you don't get many interesting classess at the phd candidate level, just a couple about publications, databases, software or whatever.
I'm teaching some young faegs now, so I wonder how much of a dick should I be during finals, hmm.
Finals aren't for another couple weeks here, but midterms are hitting pretty hard. College feels bad man

I wake up every day consciously deciding whether I'm going to drop out or go to class
goodbye cruel world