10 hours late. Happy new year.
Man I can't hear from the firecrackers ,it was pretty crazy night.
I hope you enjoyed too
Again happy new year people
I haven't tried it out yet, usually when I update, some of my replays glitch out, so I'm a little hesitant because I made a really good decap replay and the last thing I want to do is lose it :/

In other news, Volos, a town in Greece, is abandoning the Euro (No wonder why) and is now using a bartering system to facilitate commerce. The "currency" that they're using now is called a TEM, which is equal to one Euro. This idea has been around for a few months, but is only starting to pick up momentum. There isn't paper nor coinage, TEMs are counted and tracked by an online computer network, almost like a digital wallet. The network also sets prices, which is pretty cool, although this eliminates business competition, which is mostly what keeps prices low. (Read about it here)

The same thing has been happening in Berkshire, Massachusetts, pretty close to where I live, maybe around 2 hours away. In that community, they use what's called "BerkShares", which is actual paper money circulated by local banks. Again, 1 BerkShare = 1 US dollar.

My question is, with the current inflation of both the dollar and the euro, won't these alternative currencies soon become increasingly inflated as well? I've always been a supporter of bringing back a gold standard so banks can't make money by loaning out more money than they actually have. Plus, as long as the supply and value of gold remains constant, than the dollar remains somewhat constant. I'm not an economist by any standards, but I'd think that having stable currencies would be better than some bogus crap that they use now.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Jan 3, 2013 at 01:28 AM.
I would get in on that topic Silent , but I know nothing really of that subject lol .

I have been debating on this for alittle while now, and I need your opinions on this . Should I remake the Parkour city mods ? Make them more realistic , extreme and full of much more veriety . The original objects will be there as a the basic layout , but with more added into it and possibly replacing some parts and making them more elaberate.
Please do. For some reason they seem to lack something, but they're great mods nonetheless.
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
I am thinking the same thing about the mods lacking somthing , I guess all it needs is alittle TR magic lol . We will see what happens .