for hold doll i can draw now.

take a look testing

and here is the proper 3dmax doll with correct propotions, labels and uvs.
Last edited by nblx; Jun 11, 2013 at 11:54 AM.
I'm really not liking how you are all alone in the corner. You should be closer to the rest of the band.

And you are one sexy beast.
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Originally Posted by nblx View Post
for hold doll i can draw now.

take a look testing


and here is the proper 3dmax doll with correct propotions, labels and uvs.

Incredible work man! Glad to see you got it all figure out.

Originally Posted by filipe994 View Post
This weekend I was on tv xD

I'm the drummer

It's totally not playback..

Haha sweet dude, don't know why but I pictured you to be much younger. You're plowing the lead singer right?
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
You're plowing the lead singer right?

I bet he is.

Congratulations, on both obviously
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post
I'm really not liking how you are all alone in the corner. You should be closer to the rest of the band.
And you are one sexy beast.

Thank you *.*
Also yeah I should be closer to the band but the drum was put up in there because they were always changing the stuff on stage and that way it was easier for them to carry the drum out...

Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
Haha sweet dude, don't know why but I pictured you to be much younger. You're plowing the lead singer right?

Why did you thought I was younger?
I'm 19 xD
And yeah I've penetrated her really hard backstage ^^

Originally Posted by wiirus View Post
I bet he is.

Congratulations, on both obviously

The animated version is rendering!!!
Now wait 5h until it's done.. xD

I'll post it here later!
*now say something like "Yay we love your animations Filipe!", so that I don't need to double post later*