so me and dentian wus chatting in msn so im back
dent want my app
In game name :ID12345
Belt:2nd dan black belt
Hobbies:Collecting TC in toribash other things that i cant explain
Mods you like:kickbox,lolnade,wushu,wushufixed,taekkyon and of course Throwing star mod
Why you want to join:alreayd joined just coming back
Your Time Zone(GMT)(for us to know what times are good for activities):+8 =Philippines
Your Element:Remember im Master Earth
Your animal:umm Dinosaur = T-Rex ^^
Dentian.,Is Gone. People That Where In The YES Clan Server With Dentian 4 Hours Ago Can You Tell Us(YES) What Happened?
Last edited by superme; Apr 14, 2009 at 01:11 AM.
Dentian is now suspended for life. =\ He told me to take over the clan and make him proud! I will probably recreate a DSC page, basically a new clan but linked to Element. Any who wish to join can report to the new DSC that will be created later today. Current Element members will get automatically accepted. Our structure will be completely different, but still be related to the clan. Maybe the transaction of our secret clan to public has failed, but we will once again be built up and become a great clan!
Last edited by OfUnknown; Apr 14, 2009 at 02:22 AM.
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