Originally Posted by vendetta47 View Post
So am i in Academy? Or we need to wait other clanmate's posts?

u have to wait for others..btw did u left utm?
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
k,If you want to join JR follow the below rules:

At first,State you road rules and you accept all of them.State what mods you can play.
i can play all mods but mine fav are aikido and wushu
State whats your belt(atleast 7th dan) 3 dan only,but mine skilz are better than belt(alot)
State your rank.261
State your reason for wanting to join JR.well....i saw some of you guys how you play,and you are really fucking good....i wannt to be in this clan also becouse i think mine skilz can bring a lot
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.Pandora
State why u left that clan.their ingame activity....very low
State timezone.+1
State you age.14
Forum activity. im active on forums....wasnt so much when i started but i do now
IN game avtivity every day
Vouchers(The guy who invited you).no1
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).texture maker ><
Some replys.
here are 2.....i can put MP replays if u ask for

Upload the replays in the forum.
The replays you've posted here don't work for me.

Do something like this: (Random replay btw)
Attached Files
that's the way.rpl (99.2 KB, 8 views)
Long gone
maybe for academy, btw replays don't work for me
upload as attachments

EDIT: ninjad by Pulse :P
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by wwolfer View Post
k,If you want to join JR follow the below rules:

At first,State you road rules and you accept all of them.State what mods you can play.
i can play all mods but mine fav are aikido and wushu
State whats your belt(atleast 7th dan) 3 dan only,but mine skilz are better than belt(alot)
State your rank.261
State your reason for wanting to join JR.well....i saw some of you guys how you play,and you are really fucking good....i wannt to be in this clan also becouse i think mine skilz can bring a lot
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.Pandora
State why u left that clan.their ingame activity....very low
State timezone.+1
State you age.14
Forum activity. im active on forums....wasnt so much when i started but i do now
IN game avtivity every day
Vouchers(The guy who invited you).no1
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).texture maker ><
Some replys.
here are 2.....i can put MP replays if u ask for

Sorry I have to say a big no.
I normally don't pick up on grammar, but yours is just damn awful. Pan can speak better then you in english and its not even his main language....unless you're from another country or something.
You're 3rd dan and even now I get the feeling you won't be that good.
Nothing personal mate but I really have a good feeling that you won't fit in here with us.
I know guys I'm a asshole.